17 אוקטובר, 2012

We need your help right now - to generate ACCOUNTABILITY for Eretz Yisrael

We need your help right now - to generate ACCOUNTABILITY for Eretz Yisrael

We need help URGENTLY, because elections and primaries are coming up. We would like to publish newspaper ads, informing the public about the MKs and ministers who have been truly active on behalf of Eretz Yisrael. We have this type of information in our comparative reports about   Knesset members, which have featured on national TV, as well as in Maariv, Haaretz, Jerusalem Post and many more.
Voters need to see this information! But ads are expensive.
If you can help, please send a cheque -- made out to any of the following newspapers: Besheva or Jerusalem Post or Makor Rishon --  to Mattot Arim, 7 Melzer Street, Apartment 4, Rehovot.
Note that 100% of your gift will go for the ad. No salaries and no office expenses to create overhead, because everybody at Mattot Arim are volunteers.
Again, your cheque should be made out to one of the above newspapers -- NOT to Mattot Arim.
* If you send 1,000 NIS and over, can you notify us by email so we can plan ahead? 
* If you want to honor a family member or commemorate a loved one who was devoted to Eretz Yisrael, please can you contribute 2,500 NIS at least and the ad will be marked accordingly?
* Finally, if you wish to transfer online to the above newspapers (1,000 NIS and up), rather than mailing a cheque, please contact mattot.arim@gmail.com and we will make the arrangements.
Please pass this appeal on to the right people (pun intended) - Israel's National Camp needs to make a strong showing at this time. Thank you very much indeed from Mattot Arim