Strong ZOA statement - Mort Klein הודעה מצויינת של מורט קליין - ציוני אמריקה
מורט קליין: כן לריבונות, לא למ"פ.
המפה של תכנית טראמפ חייבת להתרחב,
אין לאפשר מובלעות,
כל כביש בשימוש ישראלי חייב להיות במפה,
ישראל חייבת לבנות בכל מקום בשטח סי ולמנוע מן הרשפ לבנות בבח בשטח סי.
עפ אוסלו שטח סי בידי ישראל, אל לישראל לוותר על כך
ZOA Supports Israel Applying Sovereignty to Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley Immediately
Yes to Sovereignty – No to a Palestinian Terrorist State
we urge that maps should insure that Israeli roads and communities are not cut off or surrounded by a Palestinian entity.
Israel should insist that the "conceptual map" must be adjusted and expanded.
(i) Israeli communities over which Israel exercises sovereignty now should not merely be limited, endangered "enclaves" surrounded by Arab areas.
(ii) Israeli sovereignty must be extended to include the roads currently used by Israelis. (Some vital roads are mistakenly excluded from the map; such exclusions would create hardship, add lengthy commutes, and endanger Israelis.)
(iii) The areas over which Israel will exercise sovereignty immediately needs to include, at a minimum, all Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria; No Jewish community should be left out or left isolated.
(iv) No current parts of Israel within the green line, including areas of the Negev, should be removed from Israeli sovereignty. The Trump vision currently carves away some of these areas from Israeli sovereignty.
the PA must be prevented from creating "facts on the ground" – especially including illegal building in Area C. The Oslo Accords placed Area C under Israeli control; Israel should not give up its sovereign rights there or elsewhere.
(f) Israel should build, build, build immediately throughout area C, and start strictly enforcing the laws preventing illegal Arab building in these areas.