12 מאי, 2014

מכתב לחברי הכנסת בנושא ההרס המתוכנן בגוש עציון (ביישוב מעלה רחבעם)

To: yedelstein@knesset.gov.il ; iaharon@knesset.gov.il ; Zelkin@knesset.gov.il ; oakunis@knesset.gov.il ; gerdan@knesset.gov.il ; ggamliel@knesset.gov.il ; ddanon@knesset.gov.il ; zhotovely@knesset.gov.il ; myaalon@knesset.gov.il ; Haim Katz ; llivnat@knesset.gov.il ; aliberman@knesset.gov.il ; ulandau@knesset.gov.il ; gsaar@knesset.gov.il ; mfeiglin@knesset.gov.il ; fkirshenbaum@knesset.gov.il ; sohayon@knesset.gov.il ; mregev@knesset.gov.il ; drotem@knesset.gov.il ; rrivlin@knesset.gov.il ; ysteinitz@knesset.gov.il ; sshalom@knesset.gov.il ; rilatov@knesset.gov.il ; yshamir@knesset.gov.il ; dazulay@knesset.gov.il ; yvaknin@knesset.gov.il ; nzeev@knesset.gov.il ; eyishay@knesset.gov.il ; amncohen@knesset.gov.il ; izchakec@knesset.gov.il ; amichaeli@knesset.gov.il ; ymargi@knesset.gov.il ; mnahari@knesset.gov.il ; ieichler@knesset.gov.il ; yasher@knesset.gov.il ; mgafni@knesset.gov.il ; מנחם אליעזר מוזס ; umaklev@knesset.gov.il ; mporush@knesset.gov.il ; uorbach@knesset.gov.il ; ebendehan@knesset.gov.il ; nbenet@knesset.gov.il ; awortzman@knesset.gov.il ; myogev@knesset.gov.il ; zkalfa@knesset.gov.il ; smoalemr@knesset.gov.il ; nslomiansky@knesset.gov.il ; ysetbon@knesset.gov.il ; ashaked@knesset.gov.il
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 8:38 AM
Subject: Justice

​Dear Friend,

Are we achieving peace with our neighbours by destroying three houses in ​
​h Rehavam​

If not, what purpose does it serve, other than playing into the hands of a  small group of agitators who run a profitable business, funded from foreign sources to ferment trouble?

You are empowered to stop this planned injustice and to look at the real illegal expansion in the Arab and Bedouin sectors.​

​Yours in friendship,
Walter Bingham​

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