07 מרץ, 2018

Netanyahu bids farewell to 2-state "solution"

Great day for Israel & the civilized world:
Netanyahu bids a final farewell to 2-state "solution" that he spoke of in his Obama-era Bar-Ilan policy speech
"You can bring theoretical models, (which) say it will be good if we give them (Palestinian Arabs) a state. Empirically -- it doesn't work"
A "state" has absolute military powers; this is impossible in an area just a bike-ride away from Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and Ben-Gurion airport.
While a few states like Costa Rica and Japan are de-militarized, ALL de-militarized states have an inherent right to re-arm whenever they (e.g. by changing their constitution or even simply by ignoring it).
That is exactly what a "state" means in international law – total independence to run your area in your own way. Including applying military force to whom you want, however you want, whenever you want, at your own sole discretion.
Please continue to send, to mattot.arim@gmail.com    the link to any media outlet or blog or columnist which  is helping to inform the public that Israel's prime-minister has bid farewell to the 2-state solution. 

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com