22 מרץ, 2018

Bye-bye to dangerous two-state solution/illusion - latest quotes

Bidding farewell to the dangerous  two-state solution/illusion: Latest (condensed) quotes
Most Israelis, like myself, who at one time imagined that a two-state solution could be feasible if the Palestinians genuinely sought peace, now realize that is impossible. The (Israeli) government has assiduously avoided endorsing a two-state solution. If AIPAC leaders continue promoting a Palestinian state, AIPAC members should protest and condemn their action.
Isi Liebler, senior Israeli columnist
The merits of establishing a Palestinian state are still questionable. Asking Israel, a state about half the size of Maryland, to downsize is not the solution. Never was.
Dr. Ophir Falk -- LLB (law), MBD (Business Administration), PhD (International Relations) -- member of International Olympic Committee's counter-terrorism team and  author of  'Suicide Terror'  -- published by John Wiley & Sons
Netanyahu was never serious about the two-state solution.
He devoted disproportionately more energy to preventing it than promoting it, and in fact promised voters in his last election that there would be no Palestinian state on his watch.
Douglas M. Bloomfield,  syndicated columnist, legislative director and chief lobbyist for AIPAC for 9 years, World Jewish Congress representative in Washington.
The two-state solution is no longer in the American playbook as the official position.
Gershon Baskin, veteran ultra-liberal pro-Palestinian agitator
To read about the many viable, creative alternatives to the dangerous and unworkable two-state solution, read this comprehensive information booklet:
Compiled by Mattot Arim, an Israeli NGO
working toward peace-for-peace since 1992

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