04 ספטמבר, 2016

Likud, the shadow of what once was - by Edith Ognall, Mattot Arim activist from Netanya

Likud, the shadow of what once was - by Edith Ognall, Mattot Arim activist from Netanya
(ADL tells Likud to take controversial rapper known as The Shadow off membership rolls, 1 Sept)
"His (Yoav Eliasi) membership in the party sends a mistaken message to the entire Israeli society and harms its image as a tolerant and liberal party....."
Heaven for bid  the people might think Likud was actually what it was originally intended to be when it was called Likud Herut, the party that fought for Greater Israel and concessions and surrender to our enemies with the promise of giving them their own state within Jewish Land, would have been unthinkable. No so under the master of such policies, prime minister Netanyahu, who, after lying to get the support of the citizens of Judea and Samaria immediately abandoned them and froze all settlement to which he still adheres.  There are many who should be taken off the rolls and Benny Begin and Tsachi Hanegbi would be high on my list for turning into toads when they once behaved liked princes, in the days when I heard them speak at Likud Herut meetings in London, that is of course if I had any interest in Likud which I don't.   Eliasi who  is said to be associated with 'radical right wing groups and figures, such as Hebron activist Baruch Marzel and anti intermarriage group Lehava" (shock and horror that Lehava wants to stop assimiliation and even help Jewish women who fell for the lies of a special life with Arabs only to find they were slaves) belongs in a party with  Baruch Marzel, Michael Ben Ari, Benzi Gopstein and Moshe Feiglin who together as a team would return us to the People that won a war against 5 Arab armies and liberated our Eternal Capital Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, which unfortunately was immediately surrendered back to our enemies who still control it, there being no prime minister or government with the will, faith or courage to take it back.  
Edith Ognall