19 אוגוסט, 2015

Gush Katif - Represent the Israeli public

Gush Katif - Represent the Israeli public
This Sunday, 23 August (Hebrew date: 8 Elul) is the day on which the State of Israel turned on Gush Katif.
Palestinian bandits torched the houses of worship in the Gush – for use for terrorist training. 
Gush Katif was and is part of Eretz Yisrael. See Sefer Yehoshua 15; 20 and 47: http://www.mechon-mamre.org/i/t/t0615.htm.
8 Elul is the day for meditating this self-inflicted national tragedy.
The Jewish calendar is so full of tragedies that no more mass days of mourning or fasting can be added. But each year, ordinary Israelis volunteer to represent the public in a modest fast and study-day on 8 Elul in Jerusalem.
THIS YEAR: Yeshivat haKotel, Jerusalem, Sunday 23.8  16:45 till about 20:00.  Speakers:
Rosh Yeshiva of HaKotel on Emuna *  Chief Rabbi of RamatGan (Rabbi Ariel) on Sampson * Rabbi Avi Gisser on fasting now/then * Rabbi of (destroyed) Kfar Darom on Emuna in Gush Katif.
If you are willing to volunteer to fast (wherever you live) for a half or whole day, kindly notify Professor Yoel Elitzur - yoel.elitzur@mail.huji.ac.il of your first/last name, title if any, place of residence, phone and email address.
Flyer (click repeatedly to enlarge) :  http://mattotarim1.blogspot.co.il/2015/08/blog-post_19.html