24 נובמבר, 2014

צפו! תמיכה ב"זכות" של דאעש לקבל מדינה, פירות הבאושים של תמיכתנו בהקמת מדינה פלשתינית מספר 23 - חס וחלילה

SHORT & SHOCKING - This is what happens when the Jewish people educate ourselves and everybody else to believe that terrorists deserve a state because that is their natural right
צפו! תמיכה ב"זכות" של דאעש לקבל מדינה, פירות הבאושים של תמיכת משרד החוץ והשגרירויות שלנו ב"זכות" של הפלשתינים לקבל את המדינה הערבית מספר 23 - חס וחלילה
תודה לחברנו שלום פולק מירושלים

23 נובמבר, 2014

הפגנה נגד טרור בת"א 30/11

אנא אשרו הגעה בדף האירוע 
לכל תושבי המדינה: יהודים, דרוזים, נוצרים ומוסלמים הרוצים לחיות בשלום, האחד עם השני, במדינה היהודית והדמוקרטית היחידה!
האיום עלינו ועל ריבונותנו הישראלית מתקיים בכל אזורי המדינה, לא רק בירושלים!
האירועים המתרחשים בשבועות האחרונים הם המשך המלחמה אשר מעולם לא פסקה על זכותנו לחיות כאן במדינה יהודית. כל אזרחי מדינת ישראל מרגישים מאוימים : בגליל, בנגב, בחיפה, ביהודה ושומרון 
ובבקעת הירדן.
אנו מחזקים את ידי ממשלתנו ודורשים חקיקה מידית שתביא לשלילת אזרחותו והריסת ביתו של כל אדם אשר: מפר את
 הסדר הציבורי, מציג דגל של ישות עוינת, פוגע בסמלי המדינה, או פוגע בכל אדם על בסיס לאומני
אנו קוראים לכולם להגיע ולהאזין לחברי העמותות שיעלו נושאים אלו ויבקשו את תמיכת העם לחקיקה זו
יום א - 30 לנובמבר,  מ-7 עד 8:30 בערב 
רחבת בית אריאלה ומוזיאון תל-אביב 
שדרות שאול המלך 27, תל-אביב
באישור העיריה ובפיקוח המשטרה.
במקרה של גשם ההפגנה תועבר למועד אחר.
בבקשה לשתף עם כל הקבוצות ולאשר הגעה סופית בדף האירוע
ודרושים מתנדבים. אנא פנו לדרורה (054) 635-0976
מדינה אחת לישראל-One State for Israel's photo.
Everyone is requested to attend this "Pro-Media Israel" and "One State for Israel rally, A "Non-political organization calling for ALL residents of Israel: Jews, Druze, Christians and Muslims who want to live in peace with each other,  in a Jewish and democratic state, to come and join us!
The recent horrible events are a continuation of the war that never stopped over our right to be living in a Jewish state in the Middle East. All citizens of Israel feel threatened  all over the place: the Galilee, Negev, Haifa, Judea, Samaria  and the Jordan Valley.
We are supporting PM Netanyahu actions and are demanding the immediate legislation that will lead to denial of citizenship and the demolition of properties belonging to any person who:
Violates Public order, Shows a hostile entity flag, Destroys state symbols, or violates any person just because they are Jewish.
We urge everyone to come and listen to our Non Profit members of our association who will raise these issues and seek our nation's support to these legislations.
The demonstration will take place on Sunday 30th of November, from 7 to 8:30 pm. Beit Ariela Plaza/ Tel Aviv Museum, 27 Shaul Hamelech Boulevard, Tel Aviv
We  have obtained Demonstration permit from the municipality and will have police approval and supervision.  In case of rain the demonstration will be rescheduled.
Please share with all your FB groups and Email listings and confirm final arrival on our event page
One state for Israel
Volunteer are needed: Ushers, Photographers (Stills and video),  signs, artists, call center help,  setting up etc. דרורה
Cell (054) 635-0976 
בבקשה להפיץ לדוברי אנגלית ובקבוצות דוברות אנגלית, לפעמים פייסבוק לא מאפשר לי להפיץ בקבוצות רבות כל עזרה שלכם תתקבל בשמחה
Preview by Yahoo


British friends of Israel, can u help? ידידי ישראל תושבי בריטניה - התוכלו לעזור השבוע? תודה

Please pass on to British citizens:


Parliamentary debate on 1 Dec - Pls write to your MP!
Pls write to your MP in your own words, perhaps using the following ideas:

Dear Madam or Sir,

Re: upcoming parliamentary debate on 1 December on the "petition relating to
ending the conflict in Palestine" sponsored by Grahame Morris MP which will
take place on 1 December in Westminster Hall at 4.30pm for three hours

As a constituent I am hoping that you will make the following points:

* The Palestinians already have a state which is actually 3 times the size
of tiny Israel: the state of Jordan. This does not seem to have convinced
them to be peaceful and allow Israelis to live in security.
* The international community must lead efforts to demilitarise Hamas so
Palestinian terror groups are unable to initiate conflicts. This would also
benefit the population of Gaza.
* The recent increase in tensions and violence in Israel has been
exacerbated by incessant incitement from the Palestinian Authority. And the
HM's Government is a major funder of the Palestinian Authority hence has
direct responsibility to putting a stop to that incitement.

I look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, (YOUR FULL NAME).

You can find your MP and their contact details here:

22 נובמבר, 2014

כשהפלשתינים מסיתים נגד "מתנחלים" למי הם מתכוונים? צפו

שימו לב לקליפ הפלשתיני הזה שחושף שמסע הטרור שלהם נועד להיות בדיוק זה - מסע טרור
(לתשומת לבם של צמד החמד אהרונוביץ-דנינו שנדמה להם שמדובר בקומץ צעירים שחשים מעט תסכול)
ומה שיותר חשוב, שימו לב לאיור של ה"ציוני", המתנחל נתפס כציוני והציוני הוא מתנחל
במילים אחרות הגיע הזמן שנתחיל להגן על המתנחלים ולהדוף את הטענות על אי-חוקיות היישובים הישראליים
כיום השגרירים שלנו לא עוסקים בזה כמעט בכלל – תבדקו את אתרי האינטרנט שלהם ותראו
או בפייסבוק

19 נובמבר, 2014

ידיעות-אחרונות-ווטש: מיהו לדעת ידיעות אחרונות המסית הראשי

ידיעות-אחרונות-ווטש: מיהו לדעת ידיעות אחרונות המסית הראשי
מיהו  - לדעת ידיעות אחרונות -  המסית הראשי כאן באיזור?
א. אבו-מאזן, מכחיש השואה שאמר שצריך להגן על הר הבית "בכל דרך" ושמשלם משכורות למחבלים
ב. ג'יבריל רג'וב שאמר זה בסדר גמור לשחוט מתנחלים
ג. ראאד סלאח
ד. ח"כ חנין זואבי
ה. השר לענייני מחבלים ברשות הפלשתינית
ו. האמא של המחבל מהר נוף שקראה להמשיך במעשי הטבח הנפלאים האלה
ז. ראש הממשלה של מדינת ישראל
התשובה הנכונה היא אפשרות ז.
יעל גבירץ, 16.11.2014, ידיעות אחרונות: בערב שוב צפצף הנייד עם בקשה...מהציבור הערבי – "ראש הממשלה מבקש: הפסיקו את ההסתה". המסית הראשי מבקש שהציבור ...ייקח את האחריות

15 נובמבר, 2014

קיסינג'ר: ישראל לא צריכה לחתור כעת להסכם קבע בגלל ההמולה במזה"ת

אביה של קורבן טרור אמריקנית: לנכות הוצאות רפואיות בגין טרור,מ-500 מיליון שארה"ב מעניקה לרש"פ

אביה של קורבן טרור אמריקנית: לנכות הוצאות רפואיות בגין טרור,מ-500 מיליון שארה"ב מעניקה לרש"פ
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 9:53 PM
Subject: Car Terrorism - Meeting 'Leon Klinghoffer'
Americans for a Safe Israel
November 14, 2014



The average American CAN do something to help stop the escalating terrorist war that is being waged against Israelis.  Stephen Flatow gives an excellent suggestion for one avenue of assistance.

Published: November 13th, 2014 - The Jewish Press

click here for full article


......One source was the Palestinian Authority's leadership and social media. Exhibit A: Sultan al-Einen. He's a senior adviser to Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and a member of the Central Committee of Fatah, which is the largest faction of the PLO (the PA's parent body) and is also chaired by Abbas. Palestinian Media Watch has compiled a long list of statements by Einen praising terrorists. But the one that attracted the most attention was his public praise, in May 2013, of a terrorist who stabbed to death an Israeli father of five. Einen said the killer was a "heroic fighter" and called for "blessings to the breast that nursed him."


In response, five members of Congress - Republican Ed Royce (Calif.) and Democrats Eliot Engel (N.Y.), Nita Lowey (N.Y.), Ted Deutch (Fla.), and Brad Sherman (Calif.) - wrote to Abbas, demanding that he fire Einen. Abbas ignored the letter.  (capitol switchboard # is 202-224-3121)


After the car attack by al-Shaludi two weeks ago, Einen publicly hailed him as a "heroic martyr" and charged that Israel "murdered him in cold blood." Fatah's Facebook page is replete with cartoons extolling "car terrorism" and urging viewers to "Hit the gas at 199 [km/h] for Al-Aqsa."

Now is the time for American Jews to ask those five members of Congress to take action - not just another letter that Abbas will ignore, but the imposition of penalties that Abbas cannot ignore.


Here's one idea: from now on, deduct the cost of medical treatment for victims of Palestinian terrorism from the $500 million that the U.S. gives the Palestinian Authority each year. Make it pay for the damage it causes. There are many other ways in which American Jews, working closely with friends in Congress, can force Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority to stop praising and glorifying terrorists. That would be a first, important step in the process of changing the Palestinian culture that is raising children to become "car terrorists."







The last performance of "The Death of Klinghoffer" is tomorrow, Nov. 15th at 1pm.


Read about AFSI member Michael Chenkin's experience after the last show.  It may move you to get out and greet the opera goers as they arrive, or after the performance (which runs 2 hours and 50 minutes).


Last night we (Nissem, Lynne and I) spoke with Leon Klinghoffer.  Not surprisingly, Klinghoffer rejected the charge that the opera named after him was anti-Semitic.  Of course, we did not speak with the murdered Leon Klinghoffer, but rather with Alan Opie, the actor who wonderfully sings the role of Leon Klinghoffer.  We were flyering the coming out crowd, and Opie stopped and spoke with us at length.  He was a mannerly and thoughtful gentleman.  He told us he had received very hateful e-mails and that this did not help our cause.  I believe he accepted that we (meaning all of us involved in the protests) did not send the e-mails, nonetheless, a lesson to be learned, people are repulsed by venomous attacks, and such attacks do us little good.


Klinghoffer was particularly adamant that the opera is not anti-Semitic.  He maintained that there had to be a Palestinian state and that the Arabs "had to accept" the existence of Israel.  When we pressed on the historic issues he sloughed them off with the standard the Jewish side is not clean either evasions.


Opie offered an interesting take on the title.  He said, a hundred years from now when the events have faded beyond memory, using 'Death' rather than 'Murder' or 'Execution' leaves the audience in suspense as to Klinghoffer's fate.  If one wanted to be strictly logical, 'Execution' is the most suspenseful title, as that could refer to a lawful and deserved killing or a murder, but this begs the main point, "Death" is used to disguise that Leon Klinghoffer was murdered execution style, not to create suspense a hundred years from now.


It appears from our conversation that Opie is Jewish.  Opie, who lives in England, says he never encountered anti-Semitism there.  You can't argue another person's experiences of course, but it would take a great deal of obliviousness to sustain this "reality."


Opie is an articulate and very decent example of the challenge we face (he spoke with us very cordially, thoughtfully and at some length after what must be a somewhat strenuous evening).  For very understandable reasons he does not want to believe Klinghoffer is anti-Semitic.  It is easy for us to point out the anti-Semitism in Klinghoffer, the opera isn't giving us the joy, prestige and paychecks that come from singing a major role on the stage of the Metropolitan.  To sustain his position, he, like so many others, and in particular Jews, fuzzes up the history, to say bad on their side, bad on your side, with the implication everyone needs to sit down, talk and make peace.  From this perspective Klinghoffer is not anti-Semitic because controversies over how 1948 is portrayed are entirely irrelevant if you believe the only acceptable outcome is a state for Jews and a state for Arabs.


The coup de grace is his statement "the Arabs have to accept Israel."  This is the ultimate avoidance of reality and the thread upon which the whole liberal-left, bad on both sides, sit down, make peace, two-state solution fantasy becomes unraveled, which is why the myth that the Arabs want to make peace is the sacred cow that cannot be challenged.  The  explanation of "Death" rather than "Murder" he offers underscores the intellectual fluidity people use to stay comfortably standing where they sit.



Israeli-related events in and around NYC

Friday, November 14, 7:00 PM
Join NY's Ethiopian Jewish Community on Manhattan's Upper West Side for the Annual  Sigd Musical Dinner Celebration and 30th anniversary of Operation Moses.

For further details and tickets please click onSigd-Celebration. RSVP is required to  Chassida Shmella phone 212-284-6532; RSVP by email Chassidashmella@gmail.com, website ChassidashMella.org; Location: CONGREGATION SHEARITH ISRAEL The Spanish & Portuguese  - 2 West 70th Street NYC


Tuesday, November 18 - 6:45 doors open
The Simon Weisenthal Center proudly presents the NY Film Premiere of The Prime Ministers ll Soldiers and Peacemakers:

For tickets and details please click on MuseumofToleranceNewYork.com; Loew's Lincoln Square, 1998 Broadway (W. 67th St.) NYC


Wednesday, November 19 - 6:00 PM

American Friends of Sderot - The Max and Ruth Schwartz Sderot Hesder Institutions

is proud to invite you to their Annual Awards Dinner:

"The Front Line Israel Solidarity Celebration"

Honoring Israel's Front Line Communities and the Protective Edge Solidarity Missions from the New York/New Jersey Area
Meadowlands Hilton - 2 Meadowlands Plaza, East Rutherford, NJ


The American Friends of Sderot announced today that Uri Yifrach, the father of slain Israeli teen Eyal Yifrach, will be the featured guest speaker at its upcoming dinner. 19-year-old Eyal Yifrach, 16-year-old Gilad Shaar, and 16-year-old Naftali Fraenkel were abducted and subsequently murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists this past summer.


For further information contact AFSI: afsi@rcn.com, 212-828-2424, 1-800-235-3658


Thursday, November 20 - 7:30 PM

The Jewish Week in Partnership with American Friends of Tel-Aviv University present: America's Retreat and Israel's Predicament. Co-hosts Bret Stephens and Gidi Grinstein. Moderated by Dr. Daniel Zisenwine of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel-Aviv University. $36 on-line/$40 at the door.  Venue: The Kaufman Music Center 129 West 67th Street, NY, NY 10023;

Sunday, November 23 - 5:00 PM

Cocktail party 5 PM; Dinner 6 PM

Zionist Organization of America - Justlice Louis D. Brandeis Award Dinner 2014

Grand Hyatt Hotel, New York City
Hear from prominent featured guest speakers US Senator Ted Cruz, Professor Alan Dershowitz, Pastor John Hagee, Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, Michael Leven, Mortimer Zuckerman, Bernie Marcus, along with National ZOA President, Morton A. Klein

Information: http://zoa.org/dinner2014/ 


Sunday, December 7 - 5:00 PM

32nd Annual Beit El Gala Dinner Event

Marriott Marquis Hotel

1535 Broadway (and 46th Street), NY NY

The American Friends of Bet El is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization which works to secure the safety and security of Israel's citizens by raising awareness of Israel issues, promoting Israel activism and encouraging Aliyah through the activities of Bet El Institutions in Israel.

5 PM Smorgasbord, 6-9 PM Dinner & Program

See http://wizadjournal.com/betelgala/ for details.


Wednesday, December 10 - 7:30 PM
An Evening with CAMERA

Join The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America for an exclusive panel discussion followed by dessert reception.

"Defamation of Israel on College Campuses" - Countering the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions Movement (BDS) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)

At: Bnai Zion Foundation 136 East 39th Street New York, NY 10016

Moderator: Sarit Catz, CAMERA's International Letter Writing Director

With: Professor William Jacobson, Professor of Law, Cornell University; Samantha Mandeles, CAMERA On Campus Editor-in-Chief and Senior Campus Coordinator; Justin Hayet, Student at Binghamton University and CAMERA Fellow.

Register at: www.camera.org/events#NewYork

For more info: contact Lori Posin, New York Regional Director at: lori@camera.org or 516-484-4848

Tel: 212-828-2424; 800-235-3658; Fax: 212-828-4538
Helen Freedman: Executive Director
Judy Kadish: Director,Special Projects

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AFSI | 1751 Second Ave. @ 91st Street | New York | NY | 10128

08 נובמבר, 2014

Rally for Security in Jerusalem -להחזרת הבטחון בירושלים הבירה





Enough with the anarchy in Jerusalem!

Come to demonstrate for the security of the Jerusalem residents

Wednesday November 12th at 7:00pm

across the Mateh Artzi of the Police on Road nr 1

with the participation of Knesset members,
public figures and terror victims of the Jerusalem seam neighborhoods


Organized by the committee of the Jerusalem seam neighborhoods



04 נובמבר, 2014

יום חמישי הקרוב: צועדים בירושלים שלנו

   יום חמישי הקרוב: צועדים בירושלים שלנו
פרטים להלן...