13 ספטמבר, 2014

פרויקט החוקיות - הסברה נהדרת ע"י ראש מ"מ אפרת, עודד רביבי - שהוא גם משפטן. כל הכבוד

פרויקט החוקיות -
הסברה נהדרת ע"י ראש מ"מ אפרת, עודד רביבי - שהוא גם משפטן. כל הכבוד!!!
הנה עיקרי הדברים שלו:
א. רק אחוזים בודדים מהאדמה ביו"ש הם באמת קרקע פרטית.
ב. האדמה שישראל לאחרונה הקציבה לאדמות מדינה אינה קרקע פרטית.
ג. אפילו ידידי ישראל, שלא לדבר על אויבי ישראל, סובלים מבורות מדהימה באשר למעמד יהודה ושומרון וחושבים שהזכות שלנו לשטח הוא רק בזכות התנ"ך. זה לא נכון. ההפך, מי שאין לו זכות על השטח הם דווקא ה"פלשתינים".
ד. ראש המועצה רביבי מאתגר את כולם לבוא לאפרת וליו"ש ולשמוע את העובדות.
LEGALITY OF SETTLEMENTS – setting the record straight!
Main points by elected official and legal expert Oded Ravivi, mayor of Efrat, in Jerusalem Post article:
1. The area recently declared "State Land" by the Israeli government  is Mawat land.  Under the Ottomans of the 19th century, land was apportioned into three main categories: Mulk, Miri and Mawat. Mawat was state or unclaimed land. These areas made up almost two-thirds of all territory. Of course there is land privately owned by Palestinians in Judea and Samaria....These areas, according to Ottoman and British records, constitute no more than a few percent of the total area.
2. I frequently am amazed at the well-meaning ignorance that many, even friends of Israel, hold about the status of Judea and Samaria. Those that I speak with are astonished, having been assured that the pro-Judea and Samaria position is based solely on the Bible. (In fact):
    a. The Jewish people were provided with national rights in these territories not just by dint of history and past sovereignty, but also by the League of Nations Mandate, which were never canceled and are preserved by the UN Charter, under Article 80.
    b. To contend these territories are "Palestinian" on a national level requires the territory to have belonged to that people, (that) they held sovereignty that was broadly recognized. All of these criteria have been met historically by the Jewish people, and none by the Palestinians.
3. I welcome and challenge anyone to come and see the reality for themselves, if only for the sake of intellectual honesty. No one ever lost out through intellectual curiosity.