29 ספטמבר, 2023

הקשר בין הקרן לישראל חדשה לבין מחלקת המדינה לבין ניו-יורק-טיימס לבין הרווארד וברקלי...קליקת ה"מומחים"

Another expert!

Meet New Israel Fund activist Aaron David Miller. He is the co-chair of New Israel Fund's "International Council" and a member of the New Israel Fund's "International Board".  

He worked for the U.S. State Department for twenty-four years, interacting with six secretaries of state, both Republican and Democratic,  as a senior advisor on Arab-Israeli negotiations.


He is a Global Affairs Analyst for CNN. He is interviewed as an expert on Arab–Israeli issues, on CNN, and also on PBS, Fox News, the BBC, CBC, and Al Jazeera.

His articles are printed by The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times  and The International Herald Tribune.

He has lectured at Harvard University, Columbia University, New York University, University of California at Berkeley, Chatham House, and The International Institute for Strategic Studies.







ללא וירוסים.www.avast.com

27 ספטמבר, 2023

חשיבות התקשורת

Jpost editor David Bar-Illan, who died in 2003, got obituaries in the NYT and the Guardian.  The Guardian admitted that Bar-Ilan had "harried CNN, the BBC, and The Guardian for 'loading the dice' against Israel by 'distorting and hiding facts.'"

Gil Hoffman says that Bar-Ilan "knew back then … that winning on the media battlefield is the key".


ללא וירוסים.www.avast.com

14 ספטמבר, 2023

Rav Hayyim Ben Yitzhak, father of the modern yeshiva movement, and the Land of Israel

Rav Hayyim Ben Yitzhak of Volozhin was considered to be the Vilna Gaon’s most important student.

The Volozhin Yeshiva  which he founded in 1802 (later called the Eitz Hayyim Yeshiva in his memory), became the prototype for all Lithuanian yeshivot and later for all yeshivot until today.

His attitude to the Land of Israel (see   https://www.jpost.com/judaism/ten-things-you-didnt-know-about-hayyim-of-volozhin-on-his-200th-yahrzeit-669218 ):

  • He was personally  in charge of the funds raised in Volozhin for those living in the Land of Israel. 
  • He was personally involved in supporting the Gaon’s students’ aliya to Israel in 1808.
  • He taught the spiritual level of the Land of Israel:  “We know for sure from the Gaon, and Rabbi Hayyim of Volozhin concerning money sent for holy purposes here [in Israel, that]  he said, The Torah and [Divine] service done [in the land of Israel] even for a quarter of an hour, is more dear to God than the study of your yeshivot every day in the impure lands.”


ללא וירוסים.www.avast.com

04 ספטמבר, 2023