20 אוקטובר, 2022

Biden ambassador admits: TSS is only “one of the ways” to keep Israel strong

*Ace Israeli reporter gets Biden ambassador to admit, for the first time, that  TSS  is only "one of the ways" in which to "keep Israel a strong democratic Jewish state"*
Bravo to Israeli reporter Walter Bingham, read here: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/361306 .
Pressed by Bingham, Biden-appointed Ambassador Nides said that: "My job and the job of President Biden is to keep this being a strong democratic Jewish state" and then added, "We believe (that) one of the ways in which to do that is to have a two-state solution."
TSS (the 2-state "solution") is a very poor way of "keeping Israel strong". This is because TSS refers to full, irreversible militarization of an Iranian proxy just a bike-ride away from Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Ben-Gurion airport. Therefore – bravo, Bingham. It is an important media achievement  to elicit an admission, from Nides, that the Biden Administration's failed solution is, even in their own eyes, only "one of the ways" to handle the decades-long Arab onslaught against Israel.
Which American Jewish groups will push this further forward? Who volunteers to encourage Nides to start thinking about what "other ways" could make (more) sense?

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