07 מרץ, 2021

"Biden’s National Security document is a blank check empowering a handful of violent people to block peace"

"Biden's National Security document is a blank check empowering a violent few to de-stabilize many"
The new guidance provided by US President Biden's Interim National Security Strategic document is de-stabilizing, unethical and unwise. It enables a violent few to de-stabilize the peaceful many.
Biden reports that his team will be "resuming our role as promoter of a viable two-state solution....
[W]e do not believe that military force is the answer to the region's challenges,
and we will not give our partners in the Middle East a blank check to pursue policies at odds with American interests and values....
Our aim will be to ... create space for people throughout the Middle East to realize their aspirations."
Recall that when Palestinian "Pay-to-Slay" Authority leaders sought a mascot to launch their international statehood campaign, they chose Latifa Abu Hmeid. She boasts of having parented several incarcerated terrorists - who slaughtered 7 Israeli civilians and attempted to kill 12 more.
If Biden is a mensch, he has no business presiding over this tragic setback for world peace. 
The "two-state solution" slogan is a blank check allowing yet another Arab failed state to be carved out of tiny overcrowded Israel.
The ancient Arab nation has many crucial societal needs, which Biden is  disregarding. But the land-rich Arab nation does not need more land, or another state.
This new brutal state would be a bike-ride away from the Jewish people's peaceful cities and sole international airport. 
Biden's guidance is diametrically opposed to American interests and values.  It is a blank check empowering a handful of violent people to block the peaceful aspirations of everybody else, Jew and Arab.  It is crucial for this guidance to be reversed as soon as possible.
Susie Dym, spokesperson for Mattot Arim
an Israeli NGO working toward peace-for-peace since 1992

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com