26 דצמבר, 2021

אחד ממקימי מטות ערים, ד'ר גדי אשל, בחומש השבוע

גמגום – גמגום - גמגום

גמגום – גמגום - גמגום
שואלים מדוע כן לפנות את חומש
אבל לא לפנות את חאן אל אחמר
ברלב השר לבטחון פנים פשוט מגמגם

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22 דצמבר, 2021

Homesh Arrest מעצר ראש ישיבת חומש

מארגון מטות ערים נמסר: לאחר שכל המדינה הספיקה לראות עד כמה "חוק ההתנתקות" הוא איוולת מסוכנת,
ובתקופה שבה עשרות חוקים לא נאכפים כלל (https://www.calcalist.co.il/local/articles/0,7340,L-3679237,00.html ),
מזדרזת ממשלת רע"מ ושות' לעצור  את ראש ישיבת חומש הרב אלישמע כהן בעוון "הפרת חוק ההתנתקות".
אם ממשלת רע"מ ושות' משתוקקת לצרוב בתודעה  הישראלית, את יהודה דימטמן הי"ד כמרטין לותר קינג ואת הרב אלישמע כהן כרוזה פארקס – הם בדרך הנכונה.
בושה! מחומש רואים את כל מישור החוף, צודקת הישיבה שאסור שתיפול לידי אויב!
Responding to Homesh Yeshiva head's arrest based on Disengagement Law
Mattot Arim (Israeli NGO): When the whole country knows how stupid the "Disengagement Law" always was,
And at a time when dozens of laws are not enforced at all https://www.calcalist.co.il/local/articles/0,7340,L-3679237,00.html )
the RAAM-Lapid-Bennett gov't insists on arresting the head of Chomesh Yeshiva for "violating the Disengagement Law."
If the government of RAAM & Co. is eager to establish Yehuda Dimentman as Israel's Martin Luther King and Rabbi Elishama Cohen as our local Rosa Parks, they are on the right path.
For shame! The entire coastal plain lies in the palm of Homesh's hand!

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

16 דצמבר, 2021

מרצ הצליחו - איש לא בלם אותם - בניית השכונה היהודית נדחתה

"ברכות" על ההישג היפה של מרצ, אשר "שכחו" להכין תזכיר סביבתי לפני הוועדה בנושא שכונת עטרות.
ואז, היה "צריך" לדחות את בניית השכונה, כי אין תזכיר סביבתי מהמשרד הממשלתי (שבניהולו של מרצ). כמובן.

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הודעת דוא"ל זו נבדקה לאיתור וירוסים על ידי תוכנת האנטי-וירוס של avast.

29 נובמבר, 2021

בן גוריון תורם ליישוב היהודי בחברון: לא יתכן שלא תיכונן בחזרה

בן גוריון תורם ליישוב היהודי בחברון, שנה אחרי שחרור חברון במלחמת ששת הימים: "לא יתכן שלא תיכונן בחזרה"

הנה תמלול המכתב בכתב ידו, אשר ליווה את תרומתו:


שדה בוקר                                                     10.10.68

למר שמואל הכהן וינגרטן – שלום וברכה.

אני שמח שנתארגנה מועצה  ... של אנשים

רבי -עזר למען הצלחת מתנחלי חברון בחברון

וברצון אני שולח המחאה (אמנם מצערה)

והלוואי שתצליחו בדרככם החלוצה מאד.

אם עוד לפני 1929 הייתה חברון ישובה

מדורותיו  - לא יתכן שלא תיכונן בחזרה

היום ובעתיד


ד. בן-גוריון




בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

15 נובמבר, 2021

She's infatuated with... an abuser (!)

When someone is infatuated with an abuser.

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

לונדון: מסתבר, שאיגוד הסטודנטים ידע על הסכנה מראש

לונדון: מסתבר, שאיגוד הסטודנטים ידע על הסכנה מראש.

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

04 נובמבר, 2021

Col. Oliver North: “If you’re not getting shot at -- it means you’re not flying over enemy territory.”

Col. Oliver North: "If you're not getting shot at -- it means you're not flying over enemy territory."

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

02 נובמבר, 2021

וועידת מדריד - סיכום (עפ כתבה של זלמן שובל) לפעילי מטות ערים

וועידת מדריד – סיכום 30 שנה אחרי  לפעילי מטות ערים
(עפ השגריר לשעבר זלמן שובל)
Israel traditionally opposed international conferences, realizing it would always be a minority there.
For instance, in 1977 when the Carter administration planned a joint US-Soviet international conference in Geneva, in a brilliant diplomatic move, foreign minister Moshe Dayan succeeded in replacing it with Israel's autonomy plan.
Israel accepted "242," though Shamir and some members of his staff continued to take a dim view of it.
Shamir, who usually listened attentively without interrupting, at one point stopped Baker in mid-sentence, objecting to the inclusion of settlements in the draft, saying "But this is our land,"
in other words that no one will tell us where to build and where not to build in our own country.
Our American interlocutors agreed to... the US for the first (and last) time explicitly stating that "the US would not support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state."
My request that referring to Resolution 242 would not include a mention of withdrawals was also accepted.
The State Department representatives argued these demands effectively amounted to preconditions, but the document was eventually worded as we requested.
Bush called upon the Arab world to consider Israel's "reasonable" security needs.
On the matter of borders, he ignored the "land for peace" formula, but said the borders would have to reflect both the security elements and political arrangements.
The Palestinians were completely stalling, probably as turned out later, because the talks with PLO representatives had begun in Oslo behind the back of the government. Baker, years later, said to me that Oslo had eliminated any chance of achieving peace according to the Madrid blueprint.

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

הצלב האדום נייטרלי בכל העולם. חוץ מאשר בישראל

הצלב האדום נייטרלי בכל העולם. חוץ מאשר בישראל

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

21 אוקטובר, 2021

Original Palestinian Charter: "This Organization does not exercise any regional sovereignty over West Bank or Gaza Strip" (Section 24) - hastily amended as soon as these areas reverted to Israel

Original Palestinian National Charter
The Charter, pre-dating the Six Day War, clarifies that the PLO "does not exercise any regional sovereignty over" the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Section 24).
This article was hastily shelved, as soon as the West Bank and Gaza Strip reverted to Israel.

We. The Palestinian Arab people, who waged fierce and continuous battles to safeguard its homeland, to defend its dignity and honour, and who offered, all through the years, continuous caravans of immortal martyrs, and who wrote the noblest pages of sacrifice, offering and giving.

We. The Palestinian Arab people, who faced the forces of evil, injustice and aggression against whom the forces of International Zionism and colonialism conspired and worked to displace it, dispossess it from its homeland to realize its freedom and dignity and who has determined to amass its forces and mobilize its efforts and capabilities in order to continue its struggle and to move forward on the path of holy war until complete and final victory has been attained.

We. The Palestinian Arab people, depending on our right of self-defense and the complete restoration of our lost homeland – a right that has been recognized by international covenants and common practices including the charter of the United Nations and in implementation of the principles of human rights' and comprehending the international political relations, with its various ramifications and limits, and considering the past experiences in all that pertains to the causes of the catastrophe (al-Nakba), and the means to face it.

And embarking from the Palestinian Arab reality, and for the sake of the honour of the Palestinian individual and his right to free and dignified life;

And realizing the national grave responsibility placed upon our shoulders, for the sake of all this.

We. The Palestinian Arab people, dictate and declare this Palestinian National Covenant and vow to realize it.

Article 1. Palestine is an Arab homeland bound by strong national ties to the rest of the Arab Countries and which together form the large Arab homeland.

Article 2. Palestine with its boundaries at the time of the British Mandate is a regional indivisible unit.

Article 3. The Palestinian Arab people has the legitimate right to its homeland and is an inseparable part of the Arab Nation. It shares the sufferings and aspirations of the Arab Nation and its struggle for freedom, sovereignty, progress and unity.

Article 4. The people of Palestine determines its destiny when it completes the liberation of its homeland in accordance with its own wishes and free will and choice.

Article 5. The Palestinian personality is a permanent and genuine characteristic that does not disappear. It is transferred from fathers to sons.

Article 6. The Palestinians are those Arab citizens who were living normally in Palestine up to 1947, whether they remained or were expelled. Every child who was born to a Palestinian parent after this date whether in Palestine or outside is a Palestinian.

Article 7. Jews of Palestinian origin are considered Palestinians if they are willing to live peacefully and loyally in Palestine.

Article 8. Bringing up Palestinian youth in Arab and nationalist manner is a fundamental national duty. All means of guidance education and enlightenment should be utilized to introduce the youth to its homeland in a deep spiritual way that will constantly and firmly bind them together.

Article 9. Doctrines whether political social or economic, shall not occupy the people of Palestine from the primary duty of liberating their homeland. All Palestinians constitute one national front and work with all their feelings and spiritual and material potentialities to free their homeland.

Article 10. Palestinians have three mottoes: National unity, National mobilization; and liberation. Once liberation is completed, the people of Palestine shall choose for its public life whatever political economic or social system they want.

Article 11. The Palestinian people firmly believe in Arab unity, and in order to play its role in realizing this goal, it must, at this stage of its struggle preserve its Palestinian personality and all its constituents. It must strengthen the consciousness of its existence and stand against any attempt or plan that may weaken or disintegrate its personality.

Article 12. Arab unity and the liberation of Palestine are two complementary goals; each prepares for the attainment of the other. Arab unity leads to the liberation of Palestine, and the liberation of Palestine leads to Arab unity. Working for both must go side by side.

Article 13. The destiny of the Arab Nation and even the essence of Arab existence are firmly tied to the destiny of the Palestine question; from this firm bond stems the effort and struggle of the Arab Nation to liberate Palestine. The People of Palestine assumes the vanguard role in achieving this sacred national goal.

Article 14. The liberation of Palestine from an Arab view point, is a national duty. Its responsibilities fall upon the entire Arab Nation, Governments and peoples, the Palestinian people being in the foreground. For this purpose the Arab Nation must mobilize its military spiritual and material potentialities, specifically, it must give to the Palestinian Arab people all possible support and backing and place at its disposal all opportunities and means to enable them to perform their roles in liberating their homeland.

Article 15. The liberation of Palestine, from a spiritual view point, prepares for the Holy Land, an atmosphere of tranquillity and peace, in which all the Holy Places will be safeguarded, and the free worship and visit to all will be guaranteed, without any discrimination of race, colour, tongue, or religion. For all this, the Palestinian people look forward to the support of all spiritual forces in the world.

Article 16. The liberation of Palestine from an international view point is a defensive act necessitated by the demands of self-defense as stated in the charter of the United Nations. That is why the people of Palestine desiring to befriend all nations which love freedom, justice, and peace, is looking forward for their support in restoring the legitimate situation to Palestine, establishing peace and security in its territory, and enable its people to exercise national sovereignty and freedom.

Article 17. The Partitioning of Palestine in 1947 and the establishment of Israel are illegal and false regardless of the loss of time, because they were contrary to the wish of the Palestine people and its natural right to its homeland, and in violation of the basic principles embodied in the charter of the United Nations, foremost among which is the right to self-determination.

Article 18. The Balfour Declaration, the Mandate system and all that has been based upon them are considered fraud. The claims of historic and spiritual ties, ties between Jews and Palestine are not in agreement with the facts of history or with the true basis of sound statehood. Judaism because it is a divine religion is not a nationality with independent existence. Furthermore the Jews are not one people with an independent personality because they are citizens of the countries to which they belong.

Article 19. Zionism is a colonialist movement in its inception, aggressive and expansionist in its goals, racist and segregationist in its configurations and fascist in its means and aims. Israel in its capacity as the spearhead of this destructive movement and the pillar for colonialism is a permanent source of tension and turmoil in the Middle East in particular and to the international community in general. Because of this the People of Palestine are worthy of the support and sustenance of the community of nations.

Article 20. The causes of peace and security and the needs of right and justice demand from all nations, in order to safeguard true relationships among peoples, and to maintain the loyalty of citizens to their homeland, to consider Zionism an illegal movement and to outlaw its presence and activities.

Article 21. The Palestine people believes in the principle of justice, freedom, sovereignty, self-determination, human dignity, and the right of peoples to practice these principles. It also supports all international efforts to bring about peace on the basis of justice and free international co-operation.

Article 22. The People of Palestine believe in peaceful coexistence on the basis of legal existence, for there can be no coexistence with aggression, nor can there be peace with occupation and colonialism.

Article 23. In realizing the goals and principles of this Covenant the Palestine Liberation Organization carries out its complete role to liberate Palestine in accordance with the fundamental law of this Organization.

Article 24. This Organization does not exercise any regional sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or the Himmah Area. Its activities will be on the national popular level in the liberational, organizational, political and financial fields.

Article 25. The Organization is encharged with the movement of the Palestinian people in its struggle to liberate its homeland in all liberational, organizational, political, and financial matters, and in all other needs of the Palestine Question in the Arab and international spheres.

Article 26. The Liberation Organization co-operates with all Arab governments each according to its ability, and does not interfere in the internal affairs of any state.

Article 27. The Organization shall have its flag, oath and national anthem. All this shall be resolved in accordance with a special system.

Article 28. The Fundamental Law for the Palestine Liberation Organization is attached to this Covenant. This Law defines the manner of establishing the Organization, its organs, institutions, the specialities of each one of them, and all the needed duties thrust upon it in accordance with this Covenant.

Article 29. This Covenant cannot be amended except by two-thirds majority of the National Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization in a special session called for this purpose.

Sources:Israeli Foreign Ministry

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

15 אוקטובר, 2021


Palestinianism -
It's not just about the eradication of Israel.
It's about turning Israel into a weapon, against the Jewish people.
Melanie Phillips

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

23 ספטמבר, 2021

אמירה חשובה של אופיר אקוניס

חבר הכנסת אופיר אקוניס: אעמוד כצוק איתן מול מדינה ערבית בין הים לירדן

מי עוד מקפיד לזמר לאוזניים של ארה"ב ושל אירפה, על התנגדות להקמת מדינה פלשתינית?
בשביל יש לשרים ולח"כים דוברים?
כל הכבוד לאקוניס!

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

05 ספטמבר, 2021

הסתה בדף הפייסבוק של יאיר גולן - מרצ

הסתה מפי יאיר גולן (מרצ) נגד הדתיים והליכוד:
הם קיצוניים, רוצים מלחמת גוג ומגוג, יוצרים לה את התנאים,
לא יהססו לעשות שימוש בדמם של אחרים למען תוכניתם המשיחית. אלו הם המשיחיים.
ברית הביביסטים – משיחיים מסוכנת מאין כמותה, במתחסדים האלה  יש להיאבק עד קולם יהיה לרחש חיוור

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

09 אוגוסט, 2021

פוסטרים של נאמני ארץ ישראל


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19 יולי, 2021

Arutz Sheva’s Op-ed editor clarifies: Building Jewish homes isn't "illegal" -- it's obligatory and irrevocable, under int'l law

Arutz Sheva's  Op-ed editor:*Building for Jews in Yehuda-Shomron is an obligation – which arises from int'l law  and is irrevocable*
Quotes Israel's former Justice Minister
Pass it on

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

18 יולי, 2021

זנדברג (מר"צ) חתמה על מזכר במסגרת הסכמי "שלום תמורת שלום" (הסכמי אברהם

השרה להגנת הסביבה מטעם מר"צ: אתמול חתמתי, מול שרת ביטחון המזון והמים של איחוד האמירויות הערביות, מרים אלמהירי, על הפרק הסביבתי של הסכמי אברהם, בביקורה הראשון במשרד להגנת הסביבה.
זהו מזכר הבנות לעבודה משותפת בתחום הסביבה ומשבר האקלים, ופתרונות באזורי אקלים יבש המשותף לנו כאן באזור.

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

15 יולי, 2021

אב ל-2 ילדים: ניצלנו מלינץ. המשך הצתות מכוונות ביערות – לא יאומן

אב ל-2 ילדים: ניצלנו מלינץ.  המשך הצתות מכוונות ביערות – לא יאומן

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

12 יולי, 2021

ב-א-מ-ת כדאי להעניק לכניסיה הקתולית מעמד מיוחד בעסקאות מקרקעין?? שאלה לרוה"מ בנט

האם להעניק לכנסייה הקתולית מעמד מיוחד בעסקאות מקרקעין?? שאלה לרוה"מ בנט 
באשר לתזכיר חוק חדש
הציבור מגלה עניין רב: 750 איש הגישו מחאות ו- 11,200 צפו בתזכיר החוק.
לשם השוואה,  תזכיר חוק בנושא "שיפוט בתי דין רבניים (נישואין וגירושין)" שפורסם לאחרונה, קיבל 3 הערות ו-142 צפיות.

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

05 יולי, 2021

העליה החודשית מרחובות למערת המכפלה

ה ש ב ו ע    העליה החודשית  מרחובות למערת המכפלה  בחברון.
ביום חמישי 8  ביולי    כ"ח בתמוז בשעה 17:30 .מרח' עזרא בבית הכנסת פא''י. עלות 85 שח הלוך חזור
חובה לשלוח מסרון (sms) למספר 0505211011. להתראות!! 
Monthly aliya Rehovot to Hebron to daven in Mearat haMachpela - this week 8 July 530 pm. 85 NIS round trip. Leaving Pai shul, opp Ezra 40, Rehovot. SMS to 0505211011 to reserve

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ירושלים: עוברת האוניברסיטה העברית נדונה למאסר

חדש! כנסים בלבנון -- לגיוס מחבלים מקרב ערביי ישראל ואיו"ש.
עובדת האונ' העברית בירושלים השתתפה. נדונה ל-2.5 שנות מאסר

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

02 יולי, 2021

Quote of the day -- very relevant to settlement illegality rhetoric:

Quote of the day -- very relevant to Israeli diplomats' failure to respond to rampant settlement illegality rhetoric:
If Israel ha[s] a convincing defense to ... charges, why not shout it from the rooftops? [W]e cannot hope to win anyone over to our side if we do not defend ourselves forthrightly at every opportunity.
Our failure to make the case forcefully ... encapsulates much of what has been wrong with Israel's halfhearted ... "hasbara" for so many years.
Zichron Yaakov
US diplomat for nearly 25 years

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01 יולי, 2021

Quote of the day: "Europe [is] a continent that isn’t known for being friendly to Israel, to use an understatement." (Ron Prosor)

Quote of the day: "Europe [is] a continent that isn't known for being friendly to Israel, to use an understatement." (Ron Prosor) 

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

20 יוני, 2021

יפתח מעיין משתף אתכם בפוסט השואל בעצם האם ההיסטוריה חוזרת. נקווה שלא

יפתח מעיין מבקש לשתף אתכם בפוסט השואל בעצם האם ההיסטוריה חוזרת. נקווה שלא

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

16 יוני, 2021

Arson balloons: Israel must stop helium gas from entering Gaza

How do Gaza terrorists get helium for arson balloons?

Israel must stop helium gas from entering Gaza

Colin Leci  

The resurgence of incendiary balloons from Gaza has highlighted the failure of the security apparatus in stopping helium from getting into Gaza.               

Insufficient public pressure has been applied to this governmental failure. Too many military commentators are totally out of their depth,  do not know how helium is obtained and therefore, do not know how helium can be blocked from getting into Gaza.

Helium is a natural occurring gas obtained from underground, helium-rich natural gas strata. In air, helium is only 5.2 parts per million (ppm) , thus it is not economically feasible to extract helium from the atmosphere and there is no suitable technology. Large scale extraction from the earth's strata is from natural gas rich helium sources that can contain up to 7% of helium.

 Latest available production statistics  show that in 2017 helium production  was led by  the USA (55%), Qatar (32%), Algeria (6%), Russia (2%), Poland (1%) and Australia3%). But in 2017 Qatar had closed two of its helium production plants producing about 20% of the world's total) operated by RasGas (70% owned by Qatar Petroleum and the rest by Exxon Mobile) because of an economic boycott due to supporting terrorism by Arab States and Saudi Arabia closed its border preventing exports. It is not known if these plants have restarted.

Helium has a variety of commercial uses. According to 2014 statistics, by far the largest is in cryogenic applications (32%), which cool superconducting magnets in MRI scanners and NMR spectroscopy. The next largest application is in production of semiconductors from silicon and germanium for use in computer chips (18%) followed by use as a shielding gas in  arc welding (13%).

MRI scanners have a liquid helium capacity in the order of 1700 liters that is equivalent to 1590 kg, whilst a 45 cm diameter balloon hold 2.83g of gaseous helium. The loss of liquid helium in an MRI scanner is dependent upon the type and manufacturer. A Phillips MRI has a loss of 1% per month, Toshiba about 4.3% per month, and a Siemens of 3 to 6% per month.  The monthly liquid top up ranges between 15.9 to 95.4 kg. In Gaza there are between 5 to 6 MRI units according to a paper published in Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Science (2018): 2 at Al-Shifa Hospital and 3 at European Gaza Hospital, with another added there in April 2018.

Compressed helium gas for inflating balloons is available off the shelf in the USA. A container capable of providing 1558 liters to fill 100 balloons 28 cm inches in diameter cost $399, whilst one for 580 balloons providing  8240 liters cost $799. Similarly Amazon UK sells a gas bottle to fill 30, 23 cm balloons for 25 GBP and USA web sites one can purchase a container providing 250 liters for $25. Arab web sites sell containers providing 7.1 liter for 320 AED in both Abu Dubai and UAE.

Helium imported from the USA as a liquid is  available in Israel. However, a search on the internet has revealed that helium is also readily available from Dubai and UAE who could make it available to Jordan. One of the Israeli TV channels showed a clip from Gaza recently of balloons being filled from what appeared to be a container providing about  250 liter helium in a disposable gas canister.

International Standards such as ISO 24431:2016 have been laid down for compressed and liquefied gas cylinders. For example for medical use ISO 32 applies for marking for identification of content. As to the external designation. colors are used to identify the contents of compressed gas cylinders. Color coded labels are attached to distinguish hazardous gases (such as flammable, toxic, or corrosive substances) (e.g., a yellow background and black letters). In the case of gaseous helium the international accepted color code for the complete external cylinder is brown.

So it is clear that any gaseous helium cylinders being used in Gaza to fill the incendiary balloons should be externally color coded brown. Besides Israel TV news showing footage from Arab media sources of the filling of balloons with helium from cylinders there are also numerous photos from international press agencies on the internet that also portray inflation of such balloons from cylinders. Close inspection reveals a startling fact that all the cylinders have this in common – not one is color coded brown. Colors range from blue to green to red. In the majority of cases it is clear from the size and color of the cylinders that they were used for cooking gas (known as LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and no longer required. Consequently these cylinders must be filled from a helium source within the Gaza area.

The question that needs urgently to be answered is how the helium gas containers/cylinders reach Gaza. Effectively the Gaza/Egypt border is sealed, the Gaza coast is effectively patrolled by the Israeli Navy and Air Force, and the Gaza/Israel boundary is hermetically sealed by a well patrolled fence. Thus the only point of entry of the helium containers is through the respective crossing points at Keren Shalom and Erez -- supervised/controlled by Israel. The source could be Israeli companies, containers arriving in Ashdod and transferred to Gaza or shipments from Jordan via the Allenby Bridge crossing point.  If one can buy off the shelf balloon kits comprising of disposable helium cylinders and the like together with balloons it is possible that the kits could also be sent through the post to a foreign country or sent direct to Gaza without being subject to inspection.

Israeli crops and fields adjacent to Gaza have been burning for far too long for this farcical situation to continue. It is incompetence at the highest levels that is responsible for the failure to stop helium entering Gaza and the people of Israel have been misled. The Israel Central Bureau of Statistics maintains records of all imported and exported products -- except that shipped in to and out of Gaza via the Israeli crossing points. COGAT either does not have or is unwilling to provide information.

Is this yet another cover up?

Eur.Ing Dr Colin Leci  is a retired chemical engineer,  former visiting professor at Hebrew University, and an Expert Witness at the UK High Court  Technology and Construction Division

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