04 יולי, 2020

Trump Administration demands concessions from Israel

אבי ברקוביץ', שליחם של טראמפ וג'ארד קושנר, השאיר אחריו רשימת דרישות ל"תמורות" (כלומר וויתורים) מדיניות משמעותיות,  שעל ישראל לתת לפלסטינים

(כהגדרת נתניהו בשיחות פרטיות)


Presidential emissary Avi Berkowitz when in Israel gave a list of "considerable concessions" that Israel is being told to grant to the Palestinian-Arabs. ("left behind a list of demands").


We call on pro-Israel organizations in the USA to express their concern, privately for a few days, and if no response is forthcoming, then publicly.

American pro-Israel organizations are part of the voting public and therefore their voice has considerable weight.

For example, JewsChooseTrump.org performed a great service for the Trump Administration and still do. Their concerns need to be heard now.

The American people after all elected Donald Trump – not his son-in-law, and certainly not Mr. Berkowitz – to be their leader.

A country as small, crowded and threatened as Israel is not in a position to make concessions -- which the Palestinians do not deserve, in any case.

Mattot Arim, an Israeli NGO, working toward peace-for-peace since 1992

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