12 אפריל, 2020

Mattot Arim's response to the Rivlin decision today

תגובת מטות ערים לצעד של ריבלין היום
Mattot Arim (right-wing NGO) responds to Rivlin's decision today:
Shame, President Rivlin!
Once again, you have discriminated against the right - misusing your power to demand the government you personally (not the public) desire, namely "parity" - 15 ministers from 59 MKs on right and 15 for only 17 mk's on left!
Far more realistic than fake-parity, is to turn a near-government (59 mk's) into a government of 61 – yet to this you refuse to give a chance – for shame!
responding to:
From: GpoNews Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2020 3:04 PM
"...Rivlin today... made his decision after ... Netanyahu... did not confirm ....that the parties are close to ... a unity government.
If ... the number of recommendations for each candidate does not change, the task of forming the government will return to the Knesset....
If... the two sides ... request ... an extension ... to help them come to an agreement, the president will reconsider"

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com