12 פברואר, 2020

David Myers - unwise indulgence

In his 10 February op-ed, David Myers insists Israel is "threatening international law" by seeking to assert sovereignty in Judea-Samaria (aka West Bank). Actually Article 80 of the United Nations Charter (an instrument of international law) basically incorporates the Balfour Declaration by reference, trouncing Myers' allegations. Yet this is no mere legal error on Myers' part.  It is rather a proclivity for accusing the world's only Jewish state of illegal acts and to hell with the consequences in terms of immediate ensuing Jew hatred.  Call me out on this – it is easy to show that violent terrorists who slaughter Jewish civilians with impunity, including babies, justify (quote-unquote) their barbarism using exactly the type of illegality rhetoric that Myers, who is Jewish, is unwisely indulging in.
