מסתבר שוב שאין שום רוב בישראל בעד מדינה פלשתינית במרחק אופניים מירושלים, ת"א, נתב"ג וגוש דן. ראו 2 סקרים עדכניים, שניהם נערכו ע"י השמאל: https://social-sciences.tau.ac.il/peace-index-feb
תנועת מטות ערים פונה היום, שוב, לאייפק כדי לבקש, שוב, שהם יפסיקו לומר שישראל תומכת כביכול בהקמת מדינה פלשתינית.
כזכור ראשי ארגון אייפק, המקורבים מאד למפלגה הדמוקרטית, מתעקשים – כאן https://www.aipac.org/about/mission לתמוך במדינה פלשתינית - כאשר התירוץ שלהם הוא, שישראל כביכול תומכת בכך.
אבל היא לא.
גם ארגון StandWithUs טעה בכך, https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-zoa-attacks-standwithus-for-claiming-israel-supports-palestinian-state-1.6383054, וגם להם אנו פונים.
תנועת מטות ערים תמשיך את המאבק בשקרים – כי אסור להקים מדינה פלשתינית במרחק אופניים מירושלים, ת"א, נתב"ג וגוש דן.
Haaretz Poll: 42% of Israelis Back West Bank Annexation, Including Two-state Supporters
Thirty-four percent support a two-state solution ■ Twenty percent of non-Jews support entire West Bank annexation ■ Only three Israeli parties openly support two-state solution
Twenty-five years after the signing of the Oslo Accords, which promised two states for two peoples, only a third (34 percent) said they still back the two-state solution.
80 percent of Labor voters who answered the poll support a two-state solution, but only 41 percent oppose any annexation of the West Bank; another 46 percent say they support annexing Area C. Among respondents who vote for Meretz, the most leftist Zionist party in Israel, 14 percent are in favor of annexing Area C. Another 14 percent support annexing the entire West Bank if Palestinians are granted political rights.
20 percent back a two-state solution.
"Between the Jordan [River] and the [Mediterranean] sea there is room for just one country — Israel," said Yuli Edelstein, speaker of the outgoing Knesset and second on Likud's roster. "The first thing to do is to apply Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. This is the most just and practical move: Jewish settlement in Judea, Samaria and Gaza is a fait accompli that must be developed, expanded. We have not returned to the land to give up our right to live in the heart of our historic homeland," he said.
Hayamin Hehadash
Party members have insisted the number of Palestinians who live in Area C is only 80,000, a figure dramatically lower than the 300,000 figure given by the United Nations and others.
In the survey, 79 percent of Meretz voters said they support two states.
Habayit Hayehudi
In response to a Haaretz query, a party representative wrote that it is against "any solution that includes the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan River, and believes that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people."
The party also opposes any "evacuation or expulsion of Jews, destruction of settlements or dividing any of the Land of Israel to another people," noting that "as is known, there is no such thing as Palestinian people."
Yisrael Beiteinu
The hard-line party of former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman features his signature plan: Land swaps with the Palestinians that would see a significant number of Arab citizens of Israel under Palestinian rule. Like Kahol Lavan and some United Torah Judaism
A scant 8 percent support two states
More than a third of Shas voters (37 percent) say they prefer a one-state solution, while 16 percent support two states. Twenty-one percent favor a different solution, 16 percent are for a confederation and 11 percent don't know what the solution should be.
The vast majority — 68 percent — support full annexation of the West Bank without giving the Palestinians political rights.
Haaretz survey did survey non-Jewish voters, most of them Arab citizens. It found that 34 percent support a two-state solution
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