26 מאי, 2017

[Mattotarim] זהירות, השתלטות Danger: Land Grab


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עדכון מיוחד: ביקור טראמפ יצר בעיה גדולה

(אבל כשרוצים, תמיד אפשר לתקן -- אז קיראו...)



זוכרים? נתניהו, ישראל כץ ואחרים הצביעו בעד ההתנתקות מגוש קטיף   http://news.walla.co.il/item/2599608. רק כשעפו טילים על אשקלון ואשדוד, נתניהו, ישראל כץ הבינו עד כמה הם טעו.



קרה דבר דומה השבוע.  חייבים למחות על מנת לתקן!


השבוע הקבינט הצביע על צעד מסוכן מאד (לבקשת טראמפ וג'ייסון):  הסכמה ישראלית (אישורים רשמיים) לבנייה פלשתינית פיראטית, שחודרת לתוך האיזור הישראלי ביהודה ושומרון.

 http://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/.premium-1.4108048       http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4965317,00.html


מטרת הבנייה הערבית הזאת (שאין שום מחלוקת שהיא בלתי-חוקית) היא להרחיב את הערים הפלשתיניות שוחרות הטרור, אל תוך האיזור היישובים הישראליים, איזור  הקרוי "איזור" C    !

הפלשתינים רוצים להפוך את איזור סי למדינה פלשתינית – במרחק אופניים מירושלים תל-אביב ונתב"ג. רוה"מ בעצמו הזהיר שהבנייה הפלשתינית באיזור סי היא מזימה פוליטית, ראה קישורים להלן באנגלית.


מי הצביע בעד ההחלטה האומללה?  נתניהו, כחלון, ליברמן ואריה דרעי כמובן.

ובנוסף - ישראל כץ, גלעד ארדן,  וזאב אלקין!

התנגדו: בנט. איילת שקד.

הביעו מחאה כמיטב יכולתם למרות שאינם חברי קבינט: סגן שר הביטחון אלי בן-דהן.

יו"ר וועדת איו"ש מוטי יוגב. ראשי שדולת א"י בכנסת הח"כים יואב קיש ובצלאל סמוטריץ.


בעבר ישראל כץ וארדן עמדו כחומה בצורה ומנעו פגיעה באיזור סי: http://www.jdn.co.il/news/state/757663,

חבל שהשבוע הם קרסו וגרמו לנזק  - אבל תמיד אפשר וצריך לתקן. אין ברירה, נפנה מייד (כלומר לפני ישיבת הממשלה הבאה ולפני שהשליח ג'ייסון יחזור שוב לארץ)  לשרים ולח"כים. הנה מכתב לדוגמה (אנא העבירו הלאה גם לחבריכם...):


דחוף לשרים ולח"כים, 

חמור מאד בעיניי, שישראל כץ, גלעד ארדן,  זאב אלקין ואחרים אישרו את הרחבת ערי הטרור אל תוך האיזור הישראלי החיוני והאהוב -- איזור סי  ששומר על ירושלים, גוש-דן ונתב"ג!

די לשתיקה, איפה פועלך?  בעידן הפייסבוק, אין לשום שר, ואין לשום ח"כ, שום תירוץ של "ניסיתי אבל זה לא נכנס לתקשורת".

כצעד ראשון  ומיידי אנא דאגו להשעות את ההחלטה האומללה עד שהיישוב החלופי שהובטח למגורשי עמונה, יקום ויאוכלס.  לפחות תבצעו את ההחלטות שלכם בסדר קבלתם: יישוב חלופי לעמונה - תחילה!!


 EMAIL ADDRESSES: ISRAELI MINISTERS & MK's: כתובות מייל של שרים וח"כים


Sar@mof.gov.il; yoavg@knesset.gov.il; elic@knesset.gov.il; shaskel@knesset.gov.il; yedelstein@knesset.gov.il; amiro@knesset.gov.il; oakunis@knesset.gov.il; gerdan@knesset.gov.il; nboker@knesset.gov.il; dbitan@knesset.gov.il; anatb@knesset.gov.il; ggamliel@knesset.gov.il; davraham@knesset.gov.il;sar@molsa.gov.il; yiskatz@knesset.gov.il; zakil@knesset.gov.il; ymazuz@knesset.gov.il; anagosa@knesset.gov.il; nkoren@knesset.gov.il; mregev@knesset.gov.il; ysteinitz@knesset.gov.il; ebendehan@knesset.gov.il; nissan@knesset.gov.il; ashaked@knesset.gov.il; smoalemr@knesset.gov.il; dazulay@knesset.gov.il; aderey@knesset.gov.il; ieichler@knesset.gov.il; mgafni@knesset.gov.il; ylitzman@knesset.gov.il; mporush@knesset.gov.il; amarh@knesset.gov.il; rilatov@knesset.gov.il; odedfo@knesset.gov.il; michaels@knesset.gov.il; sterne@knesset.gov.il; lishkat_sar@education.gov.il;aliberman@knesset.gov.il, ylevin@knesset.gov.il; zelkin@knesset.gov.il



Behind the headlines, the Trump-Jason Greenblatt trip has ended badly for Israel.



    Remember the Oslo Accords? They created terrorism -- rather than peace --  by generating  a "Palestinian Authority" in so-called "Areas A and B" of Israel's critical Yehuda-Shomron region. Predictably, the Palestinian Authority did not content itself with "Areas A and B". Instead, the Palestinians rushed to harness their worldwide anti-Israel automatic majority to gain control over "Area C" as well. 

    This is why "Palestinian construction in Area C" has long been an anti-Israel strategic goal. Area C is simply the entire Israeli-populated portion of Yehuda-Shomron  and  the region closest to Israel's population centers -- just a bike-ride away from Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Ben-Gurion airport! 

    For example, the strongly pro-Arab European Union has long insisted "Area C is occupied" and must become a "future Palestinian state". 



   Most unfortunately, President Trump and emissary Jason Greenblatt – in their efforts to appease powerful Saudi Arabia which has significant job-creating ability for the American economy – have fallen into just this trap. So, emissary Jason insisted on Israel approving Palestinian construction in Area C -- as an Israeli "gesture" to the Palestinians: http://hamodia.com/2017/05/21/cabinet-set-approve-gestures-area-c-palestinians/

    How did Israel's respond to this crisis? Predictably, Minister Naftali Bennet (National-Religious) opposed Jason's demand -- and just as predictably, PM Netanyahu and Yisrael Katz (Likud) lobbied Israelis to acquiesce to Jason's demands. "Predictably" because Netanyahu and Yisrael Katz are the very Likud ministers who crumbled in 2004/5, voting consistently FOR the disastrous Gush Katif disengagement plan – which later led to missiles on Sderot, Ashkelon and Ashdod.


     What is disappointing is that the more resilient Likud ministers gave way to President Trump and Jason Greenblatt (whereas in 2004/5, hawkish Likud ministers stood up to President Bush). So, a cabinet majority has been found to support Israeli "approval" of the Palestinian land-grab in Israel's crucial Area C!  http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.790695


    The public can help – by immediately using email to strengthen Israel's leaders!

 Example email text (short enough to be read by Hebrew-speaking aides):



Israeli cabinet's vote on Palestinian building of Area C is very sad! Sad that this vote was passed by Ministers Erdan, Elkin, Cachlon, Deri, Liberman and of course  Netanyahu and Yisrael Katz! Yes, Palestinians must stop paying terrorist salaries. But Israel can't be punished for NOT paying terrorists and should NOT agree to dangerous "gestures" in Area C!

Israel, don't repeat Oslo and Gush Katif mistakes, we the undersigned PROMISE to continue supporting Israel even if she rejects wrongful American  demands that weaken Israel's Area C!

Sincerely (YOUR FULL NAME)


Email addresses of Israeli ministers and MKs are above, between the Hebrew and the English sections.

IMPORTANT: please ask your pro-Israel friends and relatives if they are aware of (would like a copy of) this important  and urgent "behind the headlines" Mattot Arim update, because Jason will soon be returning to exert MORE PRESSURE on Israel!


רוצה להימחק מהרשימה? שלח "הסר" אל mattot.arim@gmail.com

to unsubscribe, please send "unsubscribe" to: mattot.arim@gmail.com


קבלת את המייל הזה מחבר, רוצה להצטרף לרשימת התפוצה? שלח מייל "צרפו אותי" אל mattot.arim@gmail.com

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כדי להבטיח שתמשיך לקבל את המיילים שלםנו, השב "תודה על המייל" אל  mattot.arim@gmail.com

22 מאי, 2017

[Mattotarim] Please Fax Trump’s hotel אנא לפקסס למלון של טראמפ

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רוצה להימחק מרשימת התפוצה? ראה בסוף

Can't read the Hebrew? Click Facebook Mattot Arim:



Please Fax Trump's hotel אנא לפקסס למלון של טראמפ


טראמפ מגיע היום 22.5 וישהה במלון המלך דוד! http://www.timesofisrael.com/whirlwind-tour-donald-trumps-28-hour-israel-itinerary

הציבור מתבקש לשלוח פקס למלון – כי לחץ מימין חייב להגיע -- מאיתנו, הציבור בישראל! 

כך עשינו גם כשהגיע הנשיא בוש בשנת 2008http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3492744,00.html

פקס לדוגמה – להלן. (אפשר גם לנסח בעצמך כמובן)

יש לפקסס מייד  למלון המלך דוד - למספר 02-6208882. 


אנא העבר את המסר הזה הלאה בדחיפות - לבני משפחה או חברים. פעולה פשוטה זו לוקחת דקה - ומגדילה את מספר הפקסים פי 2. 


תודה רבה!


נ"ב. אם הפקס לא עובר, נצלצל למלון המלך דוד, טלפון  02-6208888. נשאל מדוע מכשיר הפקסימיליה לא עובד ו.או נעדכן בדחיפות את mattot.arim@gmail.com


Copy & Paste the following message into a Word Document, including your name at the bottom. Then fax to the King David Hotel: (From the US, dial 011972 26208882) Thank you!


Facsimile to  02-6208882  

attn King David Hotel - PLEASE HAND THIS FACSIMILE TO YOUR GUEST -- MR. DONALD TRUMP, USA PRESIDENT, arriving Monday 22.5 – Thank you


Welcome to Israel,  1st Lady Melania and US President Trump!


You were elected by the American people to do things differently. 


You have kept your promise: In a giant step toward peace, you declined to endorse the two-state "solution". Thank you.

Sadly, State Department employees continue to undermine your policy. We hope you will curb them resolutely.  


We hope you will re-position the American embassy in the capital city selected by Israel – Jerusalem. 

We hope you  will lead America in overcoming deep-seated yet unfounded prejudices against certain Israeli communities. 


The State Department has long insisted that Israel operates in a manner "inconsistent with the law" in certain matters of national importance. 

We ask that you retain legal scholars to replace the one-sided legal brief still relied upon by State, that has fuelled this unfounded accusation against Israel, for decades. 


The Jewish people is indigenous to the Judea-Samaria land-strip including united Jerusalem.  

Our people's entitlement to Judea-Samaria, including settlement and sovereignty, holds even by international law. 


The ancient Jewish people's sole nation-state, Israel, needs Judea-Samaria to remain viable. 

The self-reliant Israel we are all proud of has always held the Judea-Samaria  land-strip – other than a short 19-year Jordanian occupation period, during which Israel was indeed indefensible (only 9 miles wide).


In contrast, the ancient Arab  nation, to which all Palestinians belong, already has over 20 viable states for its self-determination. 


We hope you will make history by backing Israel's diplomatic positions which are based on justice. 

You have already begun to make history by virtue of your ground-breaking choice of ambassador – Mr. David Friedman. Thank you. 


Sincerely, (YOUR FULL NAME)



רוצה להימחק מהרשימה? שלח "הסר" אל mattot.arim@gmail.com

to unsubscribe, please send "unsubscribe" to: mattot.arim@gmail.com


קבלת את המייל הזה מחבר, רוצה להצטרף לרשימת התפוצה? שלח מייל "צרפו אותי" אל mattot.arim@gmail.com

Comments? Or: Want to join our list? Send a request to mattot.arim@gmail.com


To ensure you continue receiving our emails, please add us to your address book or safe list

or simply reply "thanks for your email", writing to: mattot.arim@gmail.com

כדי להבטיח שתמשיך לקבל את המיילים שלםנו, השב "תודה על המייל" אל  mattot.arim@gmail.com

21 מאי, 2017

Please Fax Trump’s hotel אנא לפקסס בדחיפות למלון של טראמפ

Please Fax Trump's hotel אנא לפקסס בדחיפות למלון של טראמפ


טראמפ בדרך לירושלים.  יגיע כבר מחר יום שני 22.5 וישהה במלון המלך דוד! http://www.timesofisrael.com/whirlwind-tour-donald-trumps-28-hour-israel-itinerary/

נא לשלוח פקס למלון – כי השמאל העולמי מפעיל על טראמפ לחץ עצום. 

גם לחץ מימין חייב להגיע -- מאיתנו, הציבור בישראל!

כך עשינו גם כשהגיע הנשיא בוש בשנת 2008: http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3492744,00.html

פקס לדוגמה – להלן. (אפשר גם לנסח בעצמך כמובן)

יש לפקסס מייד  למלון המלך דוד - למספר 02-6208882.

(טראמפ יגיע למלון כבר מחר יום ב ורצוי שהפקס שלך כבר יחכה לו).


אנא העבר את המסר הזה הלאה בדחיפות - לבני משפחה או חברים. פעולה פשוטה זו לוקחת דקה - ומגדילה את מספר הפקסים פי 2!


תודה רבה!


נ"ב. אם הפקס לא עובר, נצלצל למלון המלך דוד, טלפון  02-6208888. נשאל מדוע מכשיר הפקסימיליה לא עובד. ו.או נעדכן בדחיפות את mattot.arim@gmail.com


Facsimile to  02-6208882

attn King David Hotel - PLEASE HAND THIS FACSIMILE TO YOUR GUEST -- MR. DONALD TRUMP, USA PRESIDENT, arriving Monday 22.5 – Thank you


Welcome to Israel,  1st Lady Melania and US President Trump!


You were elected by the American people to do things differently.


You have kept your promise: In a giant step toward peace, you declined to endorse the two-state "solution". Thank you.

Sadly, State Department employees continue to undermine your policy. We hope you will curb them resolutely. 


We hope you will re-position the American embassy in the capital city selected by Israel – Jerusalem.

We hope you  will lead America in overcoming deep-seated yet unfounded prejudices against certain Israeli communities.


The State Department has long insisted that Israel operates in a manner "inconsistent with the law" in certain matters of national importance.

We ask that you retain legal scholars to replace the one-sided legal brief still relied upon by State, that has fuelled this unfounded accusation against Israel, for decades.


The Jewish people is indigenous to the Judea-Samaria land-strip including united Jerusalem. 

Our people's entitlement to Judea-Samaria, including settlement and sovereignty, holds even by international law.


The ancient Jewish people's sole nation-state, Israel, needs Judea-Samaria to remain viable.

The self-reliant Israel we are all proud of has always held the Judea-Samaria  land-strip – other than a short 19-year Jordanian occupation period, during which Israel was indeed indefensible (only 9 miles wide).


In contrast, the ancient Arab  nation, to which all Palestinians belong, already has over 20 viable states for its self-determination.


We hope you will make history by backing Israel's diplomatic positions which are based on justice.

You have already begun to make history by virtue of your ground-breaking choice of ambassador – Mr. David Friedman. Thank you.


Sincerely, (YOUR FULL NAME)

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

18 מאי, 2017

Fw: attn Emilie Tournier, European Parliament - from Israeli NGO

Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 8:15 PM
Subject: attn Emilie Tournier, European Parliament - from Israeli NGO
To the supporters of the European Parliament  resolution adopted today regarding Israel and its neighbors
Dear European Parliament members,
re: Unrealistic European Parliament  resolution adopted today; pragmatic approach advised by Israeli NGO
The undersigned Israeli NGO is in receipt of the European Parliament  Plenary Session Press release put out 18-05-2017 - 12:38. The release is available here: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/20170509IPR73944/the-two-state-solution-is-the-only-way-to-peace-in-the-middle-east-say-meps.
We have carefully studied the items on your diplomatic wish-list. Unfortunately, most have not the least chance of coming to fruition. We advise a more pragmatic approach on the part of your members. We would be delighted to be of assistance in developing same if you wish. The undersigned NGO is in almost daily contact with senior Israeli leaders and has extensive experience in Israel-Arab public affairs.
First, construction of Israeli communities will most assuredly continue in Israel's Yehuda-Shomron region -- rather than "ending at once" as you are advising. Inter alia, this is because the birthrate here in Israel is far higher than in the EU. It is a pleasure to inform you that new homes are, in fact,  needed on a daily basis here in Israel -- including and particularly including in our  Yehuda-Shomron region. We do realize that this phenomenon is somewhat unfamiliar to you; we are aware  of the uncomfortably small average family size in the EU. 
Second, your various references to a "two-state solution" are out of touch with reality on the ground. The ancient Arab nation, to which all Palestinians belong, already has more than twenty states at its disposal for self-determination. The ancient Jewish nation has one such state namely the Jewish nation's  historic homeland of Eretz Yisrael; Palestine is simply the Roman name for our Jewish homeland. The Jewish nation's tiny homeland includes, of course, the Yehuda-Shomron region. We remind that this fact was irrevocably recognized even by international law by virtue of irrevocable resolutions of the League of Nations, including the EU's member nations, and later adopted by the United Nations.
Third, your communication advocates what you term the two-state "solution" (sic) as the only way to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To the contrary: establishment of yet another Arab state, this time in the historic homeland of the Jewish people,  is an excellent way to stoke and promote bloodshed. Among other reasons, this is why no Palestinian state will be established, now or in future, anywhere in the Jewish homeland. May we draw your attention, for example, to the positions of liberal opposition leader Isaac Herzog. Mr Herzog just today clarified that the largest city in the our Yehuda-Shomron region, Ma'ale Adumim, will always remain part of Israel. Mr Herzog has also clarified that a two-state "solution" is not feasible. Mr Herzog has indicated  that Jerusalem will always remain the united capital of the Jewish homeland. Mr. Herzog heads the more conciliatory of Israel's two main political blocs. The other bloc, the National Camp, is headed by Likud which fundamentally opposes what you term the two-state "solution" as a matter of principle.
Fourth, as regards a European Union peace initiative. This in your view is needed to resolve the conflict. It would indeed be helpful if the EU could urge the Arab side to finally accept peace-for-peace - the only logical formula. Please keep us apprised if you feel you can move forward on that basis. We are most eager to help our Arab neighbors finally achieve prosperity, stability, public health and cessation of bloodshed.

Fifth, the 1967 cease-fire lines were not and are not borders. Also, Jerusalem is not the capital of any state in the world other than the Jewish homeland. As you know, the Arab nation practices Islam, for the most part. Islam's capital is Mecca.

Sixth, building Jewish communities is – as would indeed be logical to any reasonable person – entirely legal under international law. After all, Jews are also eligible for human rights,  a fact that has not always been well remembered in the European continent. Many legal scholars have clarified this. For more information, see detailed fact sheets explaining the legality of settlements which have been posted at the behest of our Deputy Foreign Minister, cc'ed, on the website of Israel's Foreign Office and on the websites of the various Israeli embassies in the EU.

To end on a hopeful note with an eye to ever increasing goodwill between the EU and the Jewish homeland, Israel, we are delighted to point out two important points of agreement with your communication.

First, we enthusiastically endorse your professed aim of achieving lasting peace between Israelis and its neighbors. This is just what is set out in Israel's Declaration of Independence  and is also precisely the concept originated by the Jewish prophets of yore.

We do also strongly endorse your condemnation of violence, terrorism, attacking citizens and endangering them, and provocation and incitement to perform same. This is in keeping with the Israeli ethos and the principles of the Jewish religion. Your members will doubtless be working to update European PA-funding policies to bring these into accord with this condemnation. Also, we would like to suggest that your members consider curbing the ongoing attempts by the ECJ (European Court of Justice's)  to facilitate an EU embrace of terror organizations like Hamas.

We are at your service for further clarifications.



S. Dym, spokesperson

Mattot Arim, an Israeli NGO

Working toward peace-for-peace since 1992


cc: Speaker of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) The Honorable MK Yuli Edelstein and staff

      Deputy Foreign Minister The Honorable MK Zipi Hotovely and staff

      Knesset Spokesperson Mr. Yotam Yakir


בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com

02 מאי, 2017

מתנה נהדרת לחג - "דוח לוי האמריקני" כעת נגיש לכל גורמי הממשל בישראל

מתנה נהדרת לחג!
המקביל האמריקני לדו"ח לוי --
החל מהחודש – סוף סוף נגיש לכל גורמי הממשל בישראל!
מדובר במסמך נדיר בעל ערך רב למערך ההסברה בישראל.
חג שמח לכל בית ישראל, מאחלים פעילי מטות ערים

בלי וירוסים. www.avast.com