Esther Freedman died last night after a long, painful last few years. She was buried on the Mt. of Olives and many friends and neighbors came for the service at Sanhedria when many eulogies reminded us of her great love for Israel. Cynthia who has cared for her for so long said her final good-byes to the mother to whom she had been so totally devoted.
The shiva is at Mevo Asara 5/2, French Hill from 4.00pm till 10pm [only]
I was asked to take a few photos. Gemma Bloch
Bar Kochba 95/8
French Hill
Jerusalem 97892 Israel
Tel: [972] 2- 5827273
Cell: 0544-506483
Cell when in UK ONLY:0777-218-7820
Cell when in USA ONLY: 1-224-6286347
SKYPE: blechg