Our summer might get ruined -- by the Obama Peace Plan. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull&cid=1249275689388
The best way to deflect the dangers of the Obama "Peace" plan, including renewed terrorism, is for the right-wing ministers to simply WAKE UP. These good gentlemen have (for the most part) been sleeping peacefully ever since the elections, other than meeting amiably once a week for drinks and burekas. This is NOT the right way to save Israel from the next disaster. Israeli ministers are powerful; they are supposed to be poised for action throughout each Sunday morning government meeting; their job is to demand, orally and in writing, VOTES on anything that Barak and/or Netanyahu are doing wrong. For example, Barak (with Netanyahu's blessing) still has not signed the many, many building plans which await his pen - so 1400 young couples are being forced to either leave Yehuda and Shomron every year, or live like children, in their old bedrooms in their parents' homes, or in "illegal" outposts. If the right-wing ministers would bother to demand a vote -- they would easily defeat Barak!
Please use the above (red) paragraph for ideas, or even copy it, and WAKE UP the ministers by faxing, SMSing or phoning them. It is silly for them to pretend they can't stop Barak when they so easily can. Even email is OK if you can't fax or phone.
For the Ministers' fax numbers, phone numbers, cells for SMS, and email addresses just click right here: http://mattotarim1.blogspot.com/2009/08/ministers-right.html
Thanks for helping Israel -- from Mattot Arim.