29 דצמבר, 2007

הודעת חירום על ה-2 שנרצחו* Emergency msg re 2 dead from K4

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רוצה להימחק מרשימת התפוצה? ראה בסוף

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אבוי לנו!! בשעה זו נערכות ההלוויות של שני הבחורים מקרית ארבע שנרצחו ע"י מחבלים.
אם גם אתה, כמו כותבת שורות אלה, מרגיש שאתה הולך להתפוצץ מרוב דאגה וכעס -- אנא לעשות מייד מעשה, לפחות אחת מבין אלה (רצוי שניהם): 
א. תשובה ציונית הולמת -- לקחת מייד מעטפה ולשים בו צ'ק כפי יכולתך וכפי מידת הכעס שלך, תרומה לעילוי נשמת דוד רובין הי"ד ואחיקם עמיחי הי"ד
(כשאתה חושב איזה סכום לכתוב בצ'ק בבקשה לחשוב על האמהות המסכנות של שני הבחורים ואיך הן מרגישות כרגע, האם לא ראוי שלפחות הם יחושו, באמצעות התרומות שלנו שיובאו לידיעתן, שהן לא לבד???).
התרומות תעבורנה לצורך ההתיישבותי הדחוף ביותר (בית השלום? הגבעות החדשות שקמו בחנוכה? וכו') ע"פ סיכום בין ראשי היישוב היהודי בקריית-ארבע חברון - תנועת נשים בירוק - תנועת מטות ערים (נאמני א"י בתחום הקו הירוק). ראשי הארגונים הללו טרם החליטו כי כרגע כל ראשי הארגונים בלוויה ורק כותבת שורות אלה פנויה להודיע לכם על מבצע החירום הזה שסוכם לפני מספר דקות באמצעות ס.מ.ס-ים עם הצועדים בלוויה. 
אתה תורם? כל הכבוד, נא לשלוח  מייד מייל קצר לכתובת mattot.arim@gmail.com   - "אני שולח תרומה דחופה ע"ס כך-וכך שקלים (להוסיף את שמך ומקום מגוריך) לע"נ דוד ואחיקם הי"ד". כדי שנדע כבר הערב כמה כסף עומד להגיע, היות שחלק מהצרכים דחופים מאד. את הצ'ק יש לכתוב לפקודת "הייישוב היהודי בחברון ו.או נשים בירוק". לשלוח את הצ'ק דחוף הערב או מחר בבוקר אל הכתובת הבאה: מטות ערים, ת.ד. 1588 רחובות. לציין את שמך המלא בצורה ברורה, אם אסור לנו להשתמש בשמך נא ציין זאת במפורש, אחרת אולי נשתמש בשמות כדי להראות שהציבור כועס מאד על הממשלה בגלל הפיגוע הזה שנובע ממחוות אנפוליס כפי שתקראו בהמשך בעיתונות הימנית.
חשוב מאד מאד שדווקא אלו מאיתנו שאינם מתנחלים יתרמו בעין יפה ויודיעו לנו במייל את מקום מגוריהם -- כדי שנוכל להוכיח לאולמרט הטיפש שליבם של תושבי מדינת ישראל כולם, ממוקם לא ברח' שנקין אלא בלב ארץ ישראל (כלומר: ביהודה ושומרון, עם אחינו המתנחלים!!!)
ב. פעולה שנייה -- בית השלום בפאתי קרית ארבע -  ביתם של 10 משפחות יהודיות עם תינוקות -  שנרכש השנה כדין תמורת 700 אלף דולר, נמצא בסכנת פינוי מיידי - כמחווה לאנפוליס -- לאיש הדמים אבו-מאזן  - ולביקור בוש.
אם יש לך פקס בהחלט כדאי מייד לפקסס לאולמרט, אלי ישי ואיבט ליברמן מכתב אישי, או אפילו בנוסח אחיד: אולמרט ושרים יקרים -  תשובה ציונית הולמת לרצח של שני הבחורים שלנו מקרית ארבע הוא - סוף סוף לתת לעשר המשפחות בבית השלום (הבית הגדול השומר גם על קרית ארבע וגם על חברון) (א) הבטחה שלטונית שלא יפנו אותם (ב) אישור להתקין חלונות ולתקן את הגג  הדולף כדי שגשם וקור יפסיקו לחדור למיטות התינוק של הילדים הקטנים שגרים במקום!!!
(להוסיף את שמך כמובן...).
הנה מספרי הפקס (עדיף) (טלפונים זה גם מצויין אבל רק בשעות עבודה, לא בלילה לצערנו):
אולמרט: פקס  02-5664838, 02-6513955, 02-6535178,  טל. 02-6705555,
השר אלי ישי פקס 02-6662909   טל.  02-6662255
השר אביגדור ליברמן: פקס 6547101-02   טל. 02 6547100  
*העבירו את המייל הזה הלאה כל מי שיקבל אותו מ-2 אנשים שונים בטוח יעשה אותו...
ב ב נ י ן    צ י ו ן    נ נ ו ח ם    ---   כ ו ל נ ו    י ח ד   ל מ ע ן     צ י ו ן   ב ע צ ב   ב כ ע ס  ו ב נ ח י ש ו ת,   מ ט ו ת    ע ר י ם   ל מ ע ן    א " י
The funeral of the two wonderful boys from Kiryat Arba is being held NOW.  
If you, too, are furious about this, as is the person writing these lines on behalf of Mattot Arim, please act now so we can make SOME good come out of this evil. Please do two important things as per the requests a few moments ago of leaders of Kiryat Arba and other settler leaders SMSing to us directly from the funeral:
a. Please make an immediate gift to the URGENT needs of the settlement movement; the exact purpose of the gifts (Bet Hashalom in Kiryat Arba?? communities newly established on Hanuca?? etc.) in memory of the two dead boys  -- it is particularly important for those of us who are NOT settlers to do this so the settlers will not -- G-D FORBID be alone at this difficult hour. Write your cheque out to " HaYishuv haYehudi beChevron (Jewish Community of Hebron) or Women in Green" and tomorrow, the heads of the Kiryat Arba/Hebron/Women in Green/Mattot Arim organizations will sort out what exactly is the most urgent thing to do with the money. (All the  heads of the organizations are now as we speak marching in the funeral and the person writing these lines has simply made up with them by SMS, the bare outline of this special message to you).
*Mail your cheque URGENT to Mattot Arim, POB 1588 Rehovot (do NOT make out your cheque to Mattot Arim - cheque must be made out to "Jewish Community of Hebron or Women in Green").
* When thinking what sum to write -- think of the parents of these two young men, how are they feeling at this moment attending their own sons' funerals, "in honor of" Annapolis and President Bushs' visit - disgusting!!! -- and think how their only small consolation -- the only one -- is going to be the generosity of you and me who are reading this right now and decide we are WITH THEM
*Send an IMMEDIATE email to mattot.arim@gmail.com saying "Am sending urgent contribution of xxx in memory of David & Achikam, signed (NAME, WHERE U LIVE)" so we will know THIS EVENING  that money is coming in, at least 2 of the needs are really urgent (you know how the settlement movement works, unfortunately it goes from one crisis to the next). If you do not want your name used please so indicate. Otherwise we would like to maybe use the names, the names  will help persuade Israel's foolish government how strongly the people support our brothers and sisters in Yehuda veShomron.
b. Olmert and his ministers are on the verge of forcing 10 young families out of newly purchased Bet Hashalom, between Kiryat Arba and Hebron. Please fax NOW to Olmert's office and the offices of Ministers Yishai (Shas) and Avigdor Liberman: Word your own fax or you can use our words if you don't like making up your own:
Fax numbers (phones are excellent too, but only from tomorrow (Sun.) morning -- now offices are closed unfortunately):
Olmert -- faxes 02-5664838, 02-6513955, 02-6535178,  tel 02-6705555,
Minister Eli Yishai -- Fax 02-6662909   Phone  02-6662255
Minister Avigdor Liberman - Fax 02 6547101  Tel 02 6547100  
Through fire and through water -- Jerusalem and Hebron!!
(in Hebrew: Ba'esh u-va-mayim -- Hevron viYerushalayim!!)
Do all you can -- the spirit of David and Achikam (means: "my brethren will rise") will be with you until we have success.
With sorrow and determination, M A T T O T   A R I M
רוצה להימחק מהרשימה? שלח דוא ריק אל mattotarim-unsubscribe@eretz.org   

to unsubscribe, pls send a blank email to: mattotarim-unsubscribe@eretz.org

קבלת את המייל הזה מחבר, רוצה להצטרף לרשימת התפוצה? שלח דוא"ל ריק אל mattotarim-subscribe@eretz.org

mattotarim-subscribe@eretz.org if you got this from a friend & would like to join our distribution list, send a blank email to


לתגובות או לרישום ידידים הגרים בחו"ל mattot.arim@gmail.com

Comments? Or: Want your friends in USA etc. to join our foreign list? Contact mattot.arim@gmail.com

13 דצמבר, 2007

New survey of US Jews: No more majority for Palestinian state

"There has been a steady erosion in Jewish support for Palestinian statehood in recent AJC surveys....Now, only 46 percent support creation of a Palestinian state "in the current situation," compared to 54 percent last year and 56 percent in 2005.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 9:44 PM
Subject: Here's a copy of the article you sent

U.S. Jews Edge Right On Peace Compromises

by James D. Besser
Published on: Dec 12, 2007

American Jews are increasingly pessimistic about the prospects for Mideast peace and less willing to support the "painful compromises" that Israeli leaders say will be critical to solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

At the same time, the gap between self-described Orthodox Jews and the non-Orthodox continues to widen on a host of Mideast questions, including the issues of Palestinian statehood and compromise on Jerusalem's boundaries, according to the American Jewish Committee's 2007 Survey of Jewish Public Opinion, released on Tuesday.

The survey results included some good news for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in their quests for their parties' presidential nominations and some bad news for communal leaders concerned about a fraying connection between Israeli and diaspora Jews.

Overall, the numbers pointed to a community firmly anchored to the political center but with a persistently Democratic cast that defies even the huge Orthodox/non-Orthodox divide.

That gap was particularly dramatic on the issue of the Iraq war. While a clear majority of American Jews think the invasion of Iraq was a mistake — 67 percent — 57 percent of Orthodox respondents said going into Iraq was the "right thing."

"The Orthodox/non-Orthodox divide may be the most important finding" in this year's AJC survey, said David Harris, executive director of the group — particularly because of expected growth in the Orthodox sector due to higher birthrates.

And that means the political gap could eventually turn into a chasm, he suggested.

Opposition to compromises on the status of Jerusalem as part of an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement edged up from 52 to 58 percent. Broken down by religious stream, the data showed a direct correlation between opposition and level of observance, with 77 percent of those identifying as Orthodox, 65 percent of Conservatives, 59 percent of Reform and 44 percent of "just Jewish" nixing compromise.

Nathan Diament, Washington director for the Orthodox Union and a leader in coalition efforts to prevent any compromise on Jerusalem, said the numbers are particularly striking "because the question was asked about compromise in the context of a permanent settlement with the Palestinians, not under current conditions, which are much more unstable."

But, defying the conventional wisdom, a plurality of self-identified Orthodox Jews — 42 percent — continue to say they are Democrats, according to the new survey, while 30 percent call themselves Republicans. Overall, 15 percent of the Jewish sample identified as Republicans, the same as last year, 58 percent as Democrats — up 4 points from 2006.

"The survey indicates you still have a way to go before you get to a kind of messianic age for Jewish Republicans," said AJC research director David Singer.

Still, Orthodox Jews are twice as likely to be Republicans as the non-Orthodox, he said.

The mood of the 1,000 respondents questioned by telephone Nov. 6-25, was gloomy when it came to Middle East peace.

Asked if peace negotiations between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas can lead to peace in the "foreseeable future" — the survey was conducted before last month's Annapolis peace talks — 55 percent said no; 74 percent said Israel cannot "achieve peace with a Hamas-led Palestinian government."

There has been a steady erosion in Jewish support for Palestinian statehood in recent AJC surveys; this year's Hamas takeover in Gaza may have accelerated the decline. Now, only 46 percent support creation of a Palestinian state "in the current situation," compared to 54 percent last year and 56 percent in 2005.

"The willingness to support compromises has been declining," said the AJC's Harris. "The Gaza withdrawal did not lead to the hoped-for coexistence between Israel and Israel; instead it led to Gaza as a platform for terror attacks. That, I'm sure, raised the pessimism quotient."

An overwhelming proportion — 82 percent — agreed with the statement that "the goal of the Arabs is not the return of occupied territories but rather the destruction of Israel," the same as last year.

"There has always been a kind of schizophrenia among a majority of American Jews," Harris said. "There is a yearning for peace, but a deep skepticism about whether peace is possible. There is a willingness to support major compromises for peace, but also a fear that the ultimate goal of the Arabs is the destruction of the state of Israel."

That trend continued in 2007, he said — but the new data points to a "new level" of pessimism, he said.

Jewish opposition to the Iraq war continued at a high level, except among Orthodox respondents. Over half — 52 percent — said President Bush's troop "surge" in Iraq is having "no impact" on the situation, 30 percent saying it is making matters "better."

Contradicting a Zogby International poll earlier this fall that described a Jewish shift toward support for military action against Iran, the new AJC survey indicated that Jewish opposition to such action increased slightly, to 57 percent, despite a high level of concern that Iran may obtain nuclear weapons.

Economy As Top Issue

Domestically, the AJC survey pointed to a Jewish community that remains heavily liberal and strongly focused on domestic priorities. Forty-three percent identified themselves as falling on the "liberal" side of the political continuum, 25 percent in the conservative range, mostly unchanged from last year.

Republican identification held steady at 15 percent; 58 percent identified themselves as Democrats, up four points from last year, with a statistically insignificant drop in independent voters.

Asked which is the "most important problem facing the United States today," 22 percent said the "economy and jobs," 19 percent health care. The war in Iraq and terrorism came in third and fourth, respectively.

The AJC's Singer said there was very little variation on that question by level of Jewish observance — except on the issue of terrorism, which 22 percent of Orthodox respondents identified as the nation's top problem.

As anti-illegal immigration sentiment rages across the nation, only 8 percent of the Jewish respondents identified that as the most important problem.

On a separate question, 42 percent said illegal immigration is a 'very serious problem," 37 percent a "somewhat serious problem" — fairly consistent with national polls of the broader electorate.

At the same time, Jews do not favor draconian solutions to the problem; 67 percent say illegal immigrants should be allowed to "remain to work if meet certain criteria."

An overwhelming 82 percent said it is "very important" for the United States to achieve energy independence. Asked how that could be accomplished, a strong majority — 69 percent — answered "developing alternative energy sources," down five points from 2006. "Greater energy production" was cited by only 7 percent.

With 11 months to go before next year's presidential election, the AJC pollsters did not ask for presidential preferences. But one question should bring smiles to the faces of two frontrunners.

Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton is regarded favorably by 53 percent of respondents, unfavorably by 29 percent; Republican Rudy Giuliani got a positive rating from 41 percent, a negative one from 38 percent.

Both are the overwhelming favorites of Jews who identify with their respective parties.

"If I were Hillary I wouldn't be unhappy with a 2-to-1 ratio of positives to negatives," said University of Florida political scientist Kenneth Wald, who studies Jewish politics.

Giuliani's numbers, he said, are "OK ... I can't imagine any other Republican doing better with Jewish voters."

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, now tied for first place among Republicans in several national polls, was not included in the AJC questions because he was considered a dark horse at the time the survey was conducted.

There was another number that set off alarm bells in some Jewish boardrooms — the proportion saying they feel "very close" to Israel was down 7 percent, to 30 percent. Forty percent — up 1 percent from 2005 — said they feel "fairly close. Those answering "fairly distant" increased 5 percent from last year, to 21 percent.

And the number who agree that "Caring about Israel is a very important part of my being a Jewish" continued to edge downward — to 69 percent, from 74 percent last year and 79 percent in 2005.

"There has been an ebb and flow of those numbers in recent years," said the AJC's David Harris. "But over the longer term, many of us fear that with the passage of time, the distance between [American and Israeli Jews] will grow. From once being siblings, we're becoming second cousins."

To view article on The JewishWeek website, click here.

27 נובמבר, 2007

אלי ישי שר צדיק יוצאMinister Liberman: visit his home


English & unsubscribe info -- see below

רוצה להימחק מרשימת התפוצה? ראה בסוף

can't read the Hebrew? Open the attachment


"אלי ישי: שר צדיק יוצא מממשלה רעה!!"

  משמרת מחאה מידי יום מול ביתו של השר אלי ישי בשכונת הר נוף בירושלים. המפגינים קוראים לש"ס לצאת מהממשלה. במקום הוצב שלט עליו נכתב "שר צדיק יוצא מממשלה רעה". דרושים יהודים המוכנים לחזק את המקום ולאייש את המשמרת במשך כל שעות היממה [אפילו לזמן קצר]. מומלץ לבוא בלבוש צנוע. לפרטים נוספים:אסף 0525992748    


טיול ביום ו' הקרוב 30.11  מירושלים, לביתו של השר א. ליברמן בנוקדים

מטרת הטיול: משמרת מחאה מול ביתו של השר א. ליברמן -- מדוע הוא נשאר בממשלה??

הירשמו עכשיו - היציאה כנראה מבנייני האומה בירושלים, ליד תחנה מרכזית.

תקבלו פרטים סופיים ואישור סופי שכל הנסיעה יוצאת לפעול -- ביום חמישי.

להרשמה - פנו אל ד"ר נטע כהן מחוג הפרופסורים לחוסן מדיני וכלכלי  sabidan@netvision.net.il

העניין ייצא אל הפועל רק אם מספיק אנשים יירשמו אז...הירשמו ע כ ש י ו !!! נא לציין מספר טלפון נייד. תודה


במוצ"ש, בואו בואו להציל את החייל הבא!! (בכפר סבא)

 במוצאי שבת הזה 01/12/07  משעה 19:00בכפר-סבא  - משמרת מחאה נגד נשות "מחסום ווטש"

הארוע יהיה לזכר החייל כפיר ז"ל - שנשים אלה גרמו, על פי החשד, למותו במחסום. הלוחם כפיר הי"ד נרצח במחסום לאחר שנשות  "מחסום ווטש" דרשו מצה"ל להימנע מבדיקות, צה"ל נענה להן - וכפיר נהרג. אנו נגד מעורבות ארגון "מחסום ווטש" במחסומים הגורם ל:

   *סיכון חיי חיילינו

   *הקלה במעבר מחבלים וחומרי נפץ לתוככי ישראל

   *כתוצאה מכל הלחץ הזה משמאל, לחיילים במחסומים אסור לירות והתוצאה היא: תוספת סיכון חיים ממשי לחיילינו. די!!

   *כפר סבא - בטווח סיכון מיידי, בגלל קירבתה למחסום.

המיקום: "כיכר העיר" – המקום המרכזי ביותר בכפר סבא, מול קניון ערים, רח' ויצמן פינת כצנלסון.

הופעת זמר- שירי אהבת הארץ * בהשתתפות ח"כ ישראל חסון. 

* יש לך כשרון משחק?? לציין זאת כשתפנה לח"מ... 


לפרטים: נשים בכחול לבן (שולה או  יעל) --  04-8335203 / 0509444163 / 0546657804 / 04-8345111




Take YOUR turn at a very important and effective vigil that just opened opp. Eli Yishai's house in Jerusalem!! (in Har Nof neighborhood)

You will hold a sign that says "A righteous- tzaddik - minister -- leaves an evil government!"

Make an effort for this one! Call  0525992748 (Asaf) for details.



Vigil opp. Minister LIEBERMAN'S HOUSE  (he lives in a settlement called Nokdim).  - this FRIDAY- NOVEMBER 30TH . We want to MAKE OUR VIEWS
KNOWN THAT LIEBERMAN's PARTY SHOULD LEAVE THE COALITION OF MR. OLMERT.  Kindly notify now that you would like to come! (even if you are not 100% sure...better to notify now...)

Contact Dr. Netta Cohn (PROFESSORS FOR A STRONG ISRAEL): sabidan@netvision.net.il.  

The Bus will probably leave from Binyanei Hauma in Jerusalem (right opposite the Central Bus station)  at 9:15.
Confirmation will be by return email, by Thursday--depending on response.







This Sat. nite 1 December, at 7 PM, Women in Blue & White will be holding a small but very important vigil against Machsom Watch, the lunatic-left anti-IDF organization that fights to have checkpoints in Judea and Samaria run so as to benefit Palestinians, including terrorists, and in order to endanger soldiers. Hear the story of the soldier who was killed due to the policies forced on the IDF by Machsom Watch. MK Yisrael Hasson will be in attendance. Police permit has been duly obtained. Location: Kikar haIr, opp. Kanyon Arim, corner of Weizmann and Katnelson streets in Kfar Saba (this is basically the center of town). Please inform Women in Blue and White if you can make it (or hope to make it) so the MK will know how many people are coming and will manage interested members of the press accordingly. If you have a flair for drama, please mention that when you call: (ask for Shula or Yael)  04-8335203 / 0509444163 / 0546657804 / 04-8345111



Thank you very much to the many, many people who contacted Agudath Yisroel USA and asked them to issue a statement about Annapolis -- which they did, and yes, this was as a result of your respectful letters (we know that - in fact we have already fw'ed thanks on everyone's behalf to the heads of Agudath Yisroel USA who lost no time in getting back to us and reciprocating our thanks.). 


As a direct consequence of what you and others requested from Agudath Yisroel USA, Steve Hadley (nat'l security advisor) committed that the USA would not pressure for a Palestinian state over and above what Olmert himself is pushing. We have to "babysit" that commitment of course, naturally, but on the other hand, you can't babysit a commitment that Hadley isn't willing to make. So...many thanks to every single letter writer. You have made a difference.

Hareidi activists, kindly IMMEDIATELY post respectful and informative comments under the relevant stories in the following site-- thank you:



רוצה להימחק מהרשימה? שלח דוא "ל ריק אל mattotarim-unsubscribe@eretz.org   

to unsubscribe, pls send a blank email to: mattotarim-unsubscribe@eretz.org


קבלת את המייל הזה מחבר, רוצה להצטרף לרשימת התפוצה? שלח דוא"ל ריק אל mattotarim-subscribe@eretz.org

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לתגובות או לרישום ידידים הגרים בחו"ל mattot.arim@gmail.com

Comments? Or: Want your friends in USA etc. to join our foreign list? Contact mattot.arim@gmail.com


DRAFT-Preliminary Press Release- - New Jewish Congress.

DRAFT-Preliminary Press Release- - New Jewish Congress

THE NEW JEWISH CONGRESS, a Preparatory Conference Concerning THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE JEWISH NATION OVER THE JEWISH STATE IN ERETZ-ISRAEL, is currently (TUESDAY, November 27, 2007, 3:30 PM underway in Ramada-Renaissance Hotel in Jerusalem. The conference will close its doors at 8 PM this evening. The conference evoked considerable interest among Israelis from all walks of life, some of whom found themselves rallying in Jerusalem until late last night against Annapolis and then returning to the city to attend the conference which opened its doors this morning. Jews and Gentiles abroad also expressed interest and support.


Impressions from the Congress include:
    Political issues of Jewish sovereignty were discussed  by Shlomo Idan, a secular intellectual and Mattot Arim activist residing in Rehovot, an academic town which houses the world-famous Weizmann Institute of Science. Idan discussed the Hebrew concept of "gnevat kolot" (vote stealing) in which a politician elected under a first agenda turns around and operates under a contradictory agenda. Idan noted that this phenomenon when practiced by two reneging rightwing MKs in 1995 had resulted in the Oslo accords passing by a majority of exactly 2. Another example was the forceable deportation from Gush Katif initiated by Premier Ariel Sharon who had been elected on precisely the opposite agenda as evidenced by one of his well known pronouncements promising permanent status to settlements. A third example was the vote of the 300,000-strong Likud membership against the Gush Katif deportation, initiated by Premier Sharon himself but ignored when the result was the opposite of that he anticipated. Finally, Idan focussed on a quote by veteran Israeli MK Micky Eitan in which Eitan asserted that a party platform does not obligate the representatives of that party. Idan warned that a solution, perhaps even legislation, must be found to eradicate this phenomenon which renders the Jewish people powerless to control its own destiny as unscrupulous politicians take the helm again and again.
    Aviad Vissoly, Likud activist and attorney hailing from Haifa, spoke about the contentious issue of the eastern border of the Jewish state. Vissoly pointed out that the eastern border of Israel clearly includes the entirety of Judea and Samaria since Israel has applied its sovereignty to this area on at least six separate occasions, namely in its Declaration of Independence (de jure), in the Six Day War (de facto), when Jordan announced its disassociation from Judea and Samaria, in Israel's peace accord with Jordan, brokered by the United States, in which the international border with Israel's eastern neighbor was determined to be the Jordan River, in the Oslo Accords in which the Palestinians agreed to autonomy, as opposed to a state, and that in specific regions termed A and B alone rather than in the entirety of Judea and Samaria, and by virtue of the application of many Israeli laws to Judea and Samaria.
    Rabbi Dov Stein, a central rabbinical activist in an attempt, spearheaded by talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinzaltz, to revive the Sanhedrin, described the civil service and warned of the dangers of nepotism in the ranks of the civil servants of the Jewish state. Blanat favoritism toward relatives and friends is not conducive to the Jewish sovereignty that is to be striven for, Stein said.
    Dr. Amnon Hever spoke of social justice in the spirit of Israel's prophets, such as Isaiah, Amos and others, and emphasized that this was a prerequisite for rebuilding of the Temple according to various Jewish sources. Hever regretted that Israel's early pioneers, who were committed to social justice, attempted to implement it relying on the principles of communism and socialism as opposed to sterling Jewish principles. Hever suggested that alternative frameworks take upon themselves various social, economic and health functions which Israel's government is failing to provide. Hever's analysis shed new light on the proliferation of just this type of organization in Israel today, effectively replacing the government in many arenas, such as mutual aid philanthropy (thousands of Gamach funds often run by synagogogues or respected individuals, Koach laTet and more), health (Ezer MiZion,  Yad Sara, Rabbi Firer's consultation service, Kav laChayim, etc.) emergency care (Hatzala, Zaka), financial consulting (Paamonim), labor relations (Maaglei Zedek), criminal justice (Human Rights in Yesha, Honenu) and more.
    Tel-Aviv philospher Ohad Kamin spoke on the topic of human rights and emphasized that this modern notion is based directly and almost exclusiveyl on classic Jewish values. Kamin said that this should be emphasized, to give the Jewish state a better standing in international politics in which human rights is a very popular and politically inspiring concept at this time, particularly insofar as young voters and activists are concerned. Focussing on this topic would allow Israel to win its existential wars and simultaneously to exercise its traditional role of acting as a "light unto the nations", Kamin said.
    Former Knesset member Elyakim Haetzni lashed out at the Annapolis Conference, which he said was intended to create two Quartet protectorates which are to entirely replace and eradicate the independent Jewish state of Israel. These protectorates, Palestine and, in name only, Israel, would be  "defended" by NATO. Neither would enjoy sovereignty; the Palestinian entity so as not to endanger world peace and the Jewish entity because its people and supporters worldwide would, perhaps, not speak out sufficiently for Israel to retain the Jewish sovereignty it currently enjoyed. Haetzni repeated his known position regarding the advisability of civil disobedience.
    Contributions of speakers not mentioned above either were not deemed newsworthy or were not available  or had yet to be delivered at time of writing.
    Susie Dym, spokesperson for the Congress, 972-8-9471273 (landline).

19 נובמבר, 2007

אירועי אנפוליס*Annapolis events

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רוצה להימחק מרשימת התפוצה? ראה בסוף

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אירועי אנפוליס* Annapolis events


ההפגנה נדחתה!!

הפגנה בירושלים ביום רביעי הזה - נדחתה בגלל שצפוי מזג אויר סוער



מחר יום שלישי 19.11 בירושלים: מחאה מול איבט ליברמן בדרישה שינטוש את ממשלת הכניעה

ליד תחנה מרכזית בירושלים - רח' ירמיהו 78, בשעה 11, מטעם נשים בירוק

להתקשר בבוקר לוודא שאין שינויים 0505-500834 0505-777254


כל יום: אוהל מחאה של המפלגה החילונית-ימנית חדשה של פרופ' אלדד   

החל משבוע שעבר, פעילי "התקווה - מפלגה ציונית לאומית" מקיימים אהל מחאה ליד משרד ראש הממשלה בירושלים.
הציבור מוזמן להביע הזדהות. לפרטים  050-5518940  054-6799556
"התקווה" קוראת לח"כים של ישראל ביתנו, ש"ס וגם קדימה – לפרוש מיד מהממשלה כדי למנוע את ועידת אנאפוליס


יום רביעי 21 בנובמבר: משפט חשוב בתל-אביב

גזר הדין במשפטם של השוטרים ערן נעים ואלירן אברהם שתקפו את המפגין ה"כתום" עקיבא ויתקין לפני הגירוש
שעה 9:00 בבימ"ש השלום בת"א אצל השופט חנן אפרתי (קומה רביעית) 

חשוב: הרבה פעמים קרה שהרשויות החליפו את מיקום המשפט ברגע האחרון ולכן חיוני לבדוק, לפני שבאים, האם יש שינויים
צלצלו לברכה ממטה תל-אביב 0547-492499


טיול יום שישי ליהודה ושומרון!  23/11/07 

מתל-אביב או י-ם, לבית-אל ועפרה. דרגת קושי: קל.   עלות- 60 ₪ לאדם
מדריך: מיכאל עזר.  חוות חקלאיות, שביל ליד עמונה, תצפית מהר בעל-חצור ועוד.
יציאה מת"א (מסוף אל-על ברכבת צפון): 06:45
או מירושלים (מצומת הגבעה הצרפתית – לכיוון פסגת זאב): 07:55
שעת סיום בת"א: 14:30,   להביא אוכל, נעלים, כובע, מים, בגדים חמים
itai.haim@gmail.com , 054-4963403


מוצ"ש 24.11 ברחובות: מכירה כתומה לקראת חנוכה
חנות הספרים והיודאיקה של נוה דקלים כעת באתר הזמני בעין צורים טל. 054-2045731.

החנות תגיע לרחובות באופן חד-פעמי למכירת כלי חנוכה, מתנות, ספרים, דיסקים,
וקלטות במוצאי שבת י"ד כסלו 24.11.07 משעה 19:30 עד 22:30.  מזומן או בהמחאות בלבד.
בית  משפחת מילר,רח' הרב שיבר 16, שכונת קרית דוד, רחובות.

*חנוכיות יפות...ספרי קודש ותשמישי קדושה לכל השנה...טליתות.
ספרי ילדים...קלטות ודיסקים כלליים ועל הגוש...פתילאור, בתי חנוכיה, צנוריות הזהב,

פתילות, כוסיות, שמן זית למאור...   כל מה שצריך לחנוכה ולכל השנה. polachek@012.net.il


יום שלישי 27.11: קונגרס "ריבונות יהודית" בירושלים:

החלופה הטובה למדינה פלשתינית!

אל מול ועידת אנפוליס לריבונות פלשתינית רצחנית-התאבדותית בא"י - יתקיים בירושלים קונגרס יהודי לריבונותנו על א"י. הקונגרס היהודי החדש בנושא: ריבונות העם היהודי על המדינה בארץ-ישראל. י"ז כסלו 27.11.07, בין השעות 10.00 עד 20.00, בירושלים, במלון רמדה-רנסאנס. כניסה ללא תשלום - אך רק על פי  הרשמה מראש אצל שרה רופא, טל' 03-5324338.


יום חמישי 29.11 בתל-אביב: יריד "בנה ביתך בחומש"
מבצע הרשמה לרכישת מגרשים בחומש ביום ה' י"ט כסלו 29.11 בשעה 1900

אכסנית בני דן, רח' בני דן 36, ת"א
דמי כניסה לכסוי הוצאות 20 ש"ח.  סרטה של מנורה חזני: "התנערי", שיחה עם הבמאית על השיבה לחומש, הרשמה לרכישת מגרשים.
דמי הרשמה (בכנס בלבד) 1000 ₪. מטעם מטה "חומש תחילה" \ מטה צפון

אפשר מהבית!!

להתקשר למפלגת "ישראל ביתנו" טל': 02-5012999
"אנו פעילי שטח, נאמני א"י, ובעלי זיכרון ארוך!!! עד היום המלצנו להרבה מאוד אנשים להצביע עבורכם. אם לא יחול שינוי מיידי בתכנים
ובמסרים היוצאים מאיבט, תמיכתנו תפסק מייד!


איך מעבירים הודעות חשובות ליהודי ארה"ב?       רק דרכך!!

חשוב מאד - נא להעביר לכל קרובי המשפחה בארה"ב את כל הפסקאות המופיעות להלן בצבע אדום

מדובר במידע לגבי הפגנות בארה"ב נגד אנפוליס בארה"ב. נא לבקש מאד מהמשפחה בארה"ב, שיצטרפו. להזכיר להם שוב ושוב.


US JEWS START TO GET ORGANIZED , finally to RALLY against the Annapolis Conference in Nashville, which might sell out Israel. Below are all the relevant announcements -- please FORWARD them (all the red-colored text - several paragraphs) to your friends and family in the States and please make it clear that YOU would like them to make an effort and participate. Jews in the States are often anxious to do something for their relatives in Israel -- they (correctly) perceive that we here in Israel are on the front lines (and just wait till the Palestinian state gets here...G-d forbid...).


AFSI announces:

We have obtained a permit to demonstrate in Annapolis. The conference has tentatively been set for November 27th.
The permit is flexible should another date be chosen. AFSI will be providing bus service from Penn Station in NYC -- leaving at 7:00 am. We will arrive back in NYC at 8:00 pm. Estimated travel time is 3½ hours. We will be in Annapolis for approximately 4 hrs. The bus fare is $30.00. Please bring your own lunch. Please contact us to make reservations: 212 828 2424,


Bob Kunst, Pres. Shalominternational@mindspring.com announces:
Shalom everyone, I invite everyone to go to Capitol Hill with us to Lobby on
Congress. 27th or 28th of November,  Washington DC
Want to organize a bus for your friends? Or, want to sponsor folks who can't afford it
themselves? Contact Bob,
Shalominternational@mindspring.com , 305-864-5110,
Coalition to Defend Jerusalem,
Nov. 25, 2007: Rally in front of the White House (LaFayette Park) starting at Noon.

"Stop Munich II" March to Holocaust Museum - note Holocaust and WWII

started with "land for peace" & led to 6 million Jewish deaths and 60 million dead total.  

Nov. 26 - 27, 2007, Rally in Annapolis at Gate 1 of the Naval Academy, King George and Randall Sts,

11 AM to 2 PM both days - 2 whole days of publicity. 



Coordinating buses from NY, NJ, MD. Barbara Sommer: sommer_1_98@yahoo.com


Gennadiy Faybyshenko, Bnai Elim announces:
We are going to Capitol Hill on November 27th, 2007. Everyone is welcome. We have a room on Capitol Hill

and will invite congressional staff and ask the congressmen not to fund the new terrorist state (without money it will fail).

Leaving from New York at 7:00 a.m. Please do not be late. Arrival to Washington approx 12 p.m. After we give
our talks to the congressmen we will go to lobby the offices in teams of 3 people.
You can participate in the dialogue or just support the person who will speak by your silent presence.
Those who would like to go, find out the names of your congressmen.

* $25 for the bus - round trip. Cannot afford to pay? Contact us privately.

* Send $ + full name and contact information to Bnai Elim, 510 Brighton Beach Avenue #249, Brooklyn, NY, 11235.
* Or pay in person TOMORROW: Jewish Center of Ocean Avenue, 2600 Ocean Avenue, between Avenues U and V (go through two golden doors), Tuesday November 20th from 12 A.M. to 2 P.M. gennadiy1981@yahoo.com  


If you can't come to D.C. or Annapolis:

Please do an event in your own community and let us know about it to spread the word. us4israel@gmail.com




WOMEN IN GREEN Vigil in front of Yisrael Beiteinu offices, TOMORROW (Tue), 11 AM  

78 Yirmiyahu Str (behind the Central Bus Stn), Jerusalem. TUESDAY, Nov 19 at 11:00 am

Please call Nadia 0505-500834 or Anita 0505-777254

on Tuesday morning to make sure there are no last-minute changes.


"HATIKVAH" Party has started a Tent in Jerusalem

Tent opposite the PM's office to protest "The Retreat". Come show solidarity.

Particulars:  Dr. Atalia Ben-Meir 04-620.8325, 0542-345.836, atalia@bmg.co.il
Dr. Ron Breiman 0505-518.940, 0546-799.556, rbreiman@zahav.net.il
The party calls on Minister Evette Liberman to leave the Annapolis Appeasement Government immediately.

Order in the court!! WEDNESDAY, 21 November
9 AM: COURT BATTLES - POLICE BRUTALITY TRIALS in Shalom Court, 1 Rehov Weizmann, Tel-Aviv - Judge Efraty
Contact person is Bracha 0547-492.499. Come to Show Solidarity

TWO SPECIAL FRIDAYS November 23 & 30 , between 10:00 - 14:00:
CHIZUK TO MA'ALEH REHAVAM - a blooming community in the desert, one of the
outposts on Olmert's "black list".

* Tour to the beautiful seasonal flowers. * Open market * Activities for children

* Camel rides * Home-made pitot and lemonade *Goat cheese and olive oil

* Cakes and bread with natural ingredients *Arts and crafts
For details call Limor, 0544-842.307

Special "Ruthy's Shabbat" In Itamar: November 23-24
EVERYONE  knows the dedicated Ruthy! If you have never tried one of Ruthy's special Shabatot you are making a mistake. Do so now.

REGISTER NOW, DO NOT WAIT  luveretz@netvision.net.il  (02) 5611962, 0524-307405

THE NEW JEWISH CONGRESS - Jerusalem -- Tue 27 Nov

On the same day (roughly) as the bastard Annapolis conference intended to establish Arab Sovereignty in Eretz Yisrael


TUESDAY, November 27 between 10:00 - 20:00, Ramada-Renaissance Hotel, JERUSALEM
You must pre-register! Simply call
03-5324338  now.

Tel-Aviv, Thursday 29 Nov: PLOTS FOR SALE IN CHOMESH!

THURSDAY, Kislev 19 (November 29) in B'nei-Dan Hostel, 36 B'nei-Dan Str, Tel-Aviv. Program: Film by Menorah Chazani and discussion with Menorah herself, followed by Registration to purchase plots. Entry fee to cover costs: 20 NIS

Call, use your phone!!

Call Howard Rieger at UJC (212-284-6500, ext. 6600, Secretary, Pat)

and Malcolm Hoenlein at the Conference of Presidents (212-318-6111, Secretary, Lauren)

Ask them how they can remain silent while Israel is sinking into the abyss. 

A Pre-Chanukah Orange Sale in Rehovot   

The former Judaica Gifts and Book Store of Neve Dekalim

(currently open for business in their temporary quarters in Ein Zurim  Tel. 054-2045731) will have a one-time sale in Rehovot:

Motzei Shabbat,14 Kislev (24/11/07), 7:30 p.m. thru 10:30 p.m.

at the home of the Miller's in Kiryat David, Rehovot—

Rehov HaRav Shiver 16. polachek@012.net.il
Beautiful Chanukah Menorahs...Exciting gifts....Religious books and objects d'art for the entire year....  Talitoth.... Children's books.   Tapes and disks, including about the Gush...Everything you need for
Chanukah and for the entire year....Please bring cash or checks.


Parnasa for tour guide

Stuart Tucker, formerly from Gush Katif,  will share his love and  knowledge of the land of Israel with all,

using his experience in  education. tucker10@gmail.com,  08-858-5744, Fax: 08-868-5804  Cell: 054-777-5270



רוצה להימחק מהרשימה? שלח דוא"ל ריק אל mattotarim-unsubscribe@eretz.org   

to unsubscribe, pls send a blank email to: mattotarim-unsubscribe@eretz.org


קבלת את המייל הזה מחבר, רוצה להצטרף לרשימת התפוצה? שלח דוא"ל ריק אל mattotarim-subscribe@eretz.org

mattotarim-subscribe@eretz.org if you got this from a friend  & would like to join our distribution list, send a blank email to


לתגובות או לרישום ידידים הגרים בחו"ל mattot.arim@gmail.com

Comments? Or: Want your friends in USA etc. to join our foreign list? Contact mattot.arim@gmail.com


15 נובמבר, 2007

Open letter to Malcolm Hoenlein from Israeli NGO

attn Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein
Executive VP,
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Dear Mr. Hoenlein,
Re: Dissemination of Inaccuracies at Governmental Level  May be the Basis for the Annapolis Conference
We ask your assistance in alerting the Administration in your country to inaccuracies, in official Government pronouncements. These inaccuracies together form a "Big Lie" which is forming the basis for the Annapolis conference.
Unfortunately, this intellectual sloppiness may endanger the State of Israel. We feel it is imperative for you to speak up and set the record straight.  
Governmental money IS going to terrorists - a la Arafat period: The Foreign Minister's newsflash of today, see below, claims the existence of a "mechanism for transferring and monitoring [two billion NIS to the Palestinian Authority], to prevent their use by terrorist organizations". This is absolute nonsense. No such mechanism exists: Knesset Member Slomiansky, a member of the Knesset Finance Committee, requested information about this much-touted "mechanism" many months ago, and no answer was forthcoming from the Prime Minister's office. Since that time, just to prove this point, on at least 2 occasions hundreds of millions of shekels provided to the PA by our government have in fact  wound up in the hands of the Hamas, as reported prominently in the Israeli press.
Abu Mazen's pro-violence statements disregarded - a la Arafat period: The newsflash below also asserts that "the new Palestinian Government provides a renewed opportunity to move forward in the peace process". This conclusion too is fueled by a governmental (here) disregard for the facts on the ground that can only be termed bizarre in the extreme: I refer you to MK Alon's ancient parliamentary inquiry on this issue, long overdue for response. MK Alon's old inquiry to PM Olmert noted the Palestinian leader, Abu Mazen's famous speech indicating that "all guns, all guns, all guns" will be trained on Israel, and requested that the Cabinet at least debate the implications of this speech. I just spoke to the office of MK Alon, which confirmed to me that Mr. Olmert's office has, to date, disregarded his months'-overdue legal obligation to respond to this parliamentary inquiry.
Israeli majority asserted - none exists: Your Secretary of State indicated in her most recent speech: "I believe that most Israelis are ready to leave most of the -- nearly all of the West Bank". Of course, Dr. Rice is relying on an almost identical statement by President Peres to Associated Press shortly after he was inaugurated. But Mr. Peres's statement is utterly false; in fact the polls show the opposite. Our organization supplied the refutation to Mr. Peres (poll results from  Tel Aviv University's reputable Peace Poll project) right after his statement came out, however Mr. Peres has, by omission, declined  to retract this inaccuracy, so if you do not undertake to set the record straight, it seems that no-one will.
This letter is an open letter because we believe these matters must be dealt with, quickly, of course, but also openly.  We would very much appreciate your response confirming that these matters have been brought to the attention of the Administration, and what was the response there.
Susie Dym, spokesperson
Mattot Arim
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 4:56 PM
Subject: Behind the Headlines: Israeli Confidence Building Measures towards the Palestinians 14 November 2007

 MFA Newsletter

Behind the Headlines: Israeli Confidence Building Measures towards the Palestinians

Israel believes that the new Palestinian Government provides a renewed opportunity to move forward in the peace process toward the realization of the two-state vision. It is in this spirit that Israel has recently taken practical steps to assist the Palestinian government in creating a better environment for progress

Israel believes that the new Palestinian Government - established after the takeover of Gaza by Hamas terrorists in June 2007 - provides a renewed opportunity to move forward in the peace process toward the realization of the two-state vision. It is in this spirit that Israel has recently taken practical steps to assist the Palestinian government, led by President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, in creating a better environment for progress. The following is a brief list of some of the confidence building measure recently taken by Israel towards this end:


1. Releasing Withheld Tax and Customs Revenues – About 1 Billion NIS (approx. $250 million) have already been transferred to the PA, and the remainder of the revenues, another 1 Billion NIS, will be transferred by the end of the year. Israel and the PA have established a mutually acceptable mechanism for transferring and monitoring these funds, to prevent their use by terrorist organizations.


2. Promoting Palestinian Development:


- Promotion of Sewage Project with World Bank in Gaza, now underway in Beit Lahia, and serving the Northern Gaza strip


- MASHAV Projects – More than 230 Palestinian Trainees in such fields as Public Health, Small Business, Agriculture, Import/Export,  Educational Planning and Empowerment of Women and Youth


3. Security-related Measures:


- Easing of Movement – 25 roadblocks and checkpoints were removed in the West Bank


- Amnesty of Wanted Terrorists – About 170 wanted Fatah terrorists were offered amnesty in exchange for renunciation of terrorism and surrendering of weapons.


- Prisoner Release – About 350 prisoners were released in two phases (20 July and 1 October) with a third phase now being contemplated.


- Provisions for PA Security Forces – Israel recently consented to the transfer of supplies and equipment to the PA Security Forces, above and beyond that called for in the Israel-Palestinian agreements.


- Palestinian Security Force Deployment – PA security forces, with Israel's consent, have just been redeployed in Nablus (the largest West Bank city), and other cities are being considered for further redeployments.


4. Re-convening the Bilateral Committees established in the Oslo Accords, in order to address the ongoing needs of the Palestinian Authority:


- Health, Tourism and Agriculture Committees already working


- Legal Committee and Joint Economic Committee (established by the Paris Accord) to begin working soon


5. Expanding Economic Cooperation:


- Meetings of Business Community Leaders – Lately Israel has facilitated and supported several meetings between Israeli and Palestinian business community which have taken place under various non-governmental auspices. For example, the Israeli Manufactures Association has conducted a high level forum with Palestinian counterparts, and the Portland Fund has initiated the establishment of an Israeli-Palestinian Chamber of Commerce.


- Promotion of Economic Projects with International Partners - Turkey's Industrial Zone Project in Tarqumieh and Japan's 'Corridor of Peace' Project in Jericho are two such projects


It is Israel's hope that these measure, and others that will be taken in the near future, will help create and support an atmosphere conducive to progress in the renewed peace-making process - both in the negotiating room and in Palestinian public sentiment.




14 November 2007


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